The look and feel of the Player is changing! Upcoming changes are identified in this article by providing screenshots labeled "Old UI" and "New UI".
Having problems submitting videos?
1) A Moodle Administrator must have installed the EchoVideo plugin AND filter for embedding EchoVideo media for Moodle and configured the system to allow Students to embed EchoVideo media.
2) The Student Library must be enabled or you must be a member of a Collection where you have Post permissions.
If your instructor has posted an Assignment in Moodle and requested you submit EchoVideo media as a response, use the instructions below to select and submit media from EchoVideo.
Submitting EchoVideo media is as simple as clicking the EchoVideo Embed media button, identified in the figure below, and selecting the media you want to use from the list.
Once you submit media for a Moodle assignment, it is locked and cannot be edited or deleted. This applies to Collection media that might be owned by someone else and media you own. You can create a copy of the video or download it. An EchoVideo Admin can delete the video if necessary.
Helpful Tip: You may find the easiest way to add video content to EchoVideo is through the EchoVideo Mobile Apps. Specifically, the Mobile Apps allow you to Upload a video from your phone or tablet to your library. If you are not already a Mobile Apps user, you may need to create an EchoVideo password to use with them first (Settings icon Account Settings Create Password).
The procedure below submits media you have access to as a Moodle assignment. This can be EchoVideo media you own or media that lives in a Collection where you have Post permissions. The EchoVideo embed media dialog box also allows you to upload and submit a video as a single process through the same interface. You may even have the option to create a new recording using Universal Capture Personal, if this feature has been enabled for students.
To submit an EchoVideo media for a Moodle Assignment
- Log in to Moodle as a student then navigate into a course.
- Select the assignment you want to submit an EchoVideo media response to.
- Click Add submission.
- Click the EchoVideo icon, as identified in the above figure, directly above the main portion of the content window.
A dialog box appears with a content selection screen, presenting your options. Click the Launch Media Picker option to choose from your existing content and see the EchoVideo audio, video, or interactive media you own, and media in any Collection where you have the Post permission. If you need to upload media to embed, click the Upload Content option, and refer to the instructions in the link if necessary.
- If necessary, use the Search text box and / or Filters options to find the media you want to embed into the window.
- Select the media you want to embed and click Next.
- Once inserted, the video itself does not appear in the window; the video submission is a link in the content window, as shown below. This is normal behavior while you are editing the page.
Be careful not to modify the link! If you accidentally do so, delete the link and click the EchoVideo button again to re-embed the media. - Once your submission is complete, click Save changes.
Your video is submitted and will appear on the Submission page for the assignment.
The Instructor can view and grade your submission in the Assignments Submissions page.
Old UI |
New UI |