EchoVideo has various management options and settings that apply across the institution. The help topics that address these include:
- Enable / Disable Features for the Institution - This is how you turn features on and off for users, departments, sections, or the institution.
- Creating and Managing Organizations and Departments - Subdividing your institution into a more granular organizational structure.
- Assigning Scheduler Access to Organizations/Departments - Identifying which organizations or departments a Scheduler user has access to, for managing courses, sections, and captures in their hierarchy.
- Watermarks and Video Branding - Adding a university logo to all the institution's videos (as a watermark) and / or adding intro / outro video clips to institution videos.
- Adding University Policies to Legal Verbiage - Applying your institution's specific legal language and policies to the EchoVideo Legal information available to all users.
Edit Basic info
When your Administrator account is created, it is to administer your institution. You can change an institution's name if necessary, but it cannot be deleted. You can also change the time zone and time input format and upload an institution logo (in the top right corner of the EchoVideo window for all users).
To access institution account settings
- Click the Settings icon in the upper-right corner of the screen.
- From the Settings menu, select Institution Settings.
General settings appear, and Basic Info is selected by default.
- Optionally, edit the Name of the institution.
- Optionally, select a different Time Zone from the dropdown.
- Optionally, change the Time Input Format to 12 Hour or 24 Hour. The default is 12 Hour.
- Click Add Image to select an Institution Image icon.
Click the Pencil to edit the Institution Image image. Click the Trashcan to delete the Institution Image image.
- When finished, click Save.