The Summary tab of the Instructor Report provides an overview of the exam results. Quickly assess how learners performed on the exam and understand if the exam achieved the intended goal.
Instructors can also access the Exam Report in one of the following ways:
Click on the Exam name from My Reports.
- Click on the View Results action for an exam in My Reports.
- Click the Results button from the Course > Exams section for a completed exam.
- Click on the exam name from the Course > Results > Results section.
- Click on the Results action for an exam in Course > Results > Results section.
- Click on the exam status from the Course > Results > Scores section (in the column heading).
The Exam Report is defaulted to the Summary tab. Click on other tabs to view additional exam information. There are four sections in the Summary. Each one is covered in more detail below.
Course / Exam Information
On the left of this section, the Course name and instructor name(s) are displayed.
To the right of this section, the learner count for the number of learners assigned to the exam and the Start Date / Time and End Date / Time of the exam are displayed. If the exam had an overall time limit, the time limit is displayed. If the exam was not timed or was timed per question, a time limit is not shown.
Exam Summary
The Exam Summary includes the exam's statistics. Only final learner scores are included; scores on previous attempts are not shown. You can download a CSV or PDF of the report from here.
Average Score
The Average Score is the sum of all learner percentage scores divided by the total number of learners for the exam. Learners who were assigned to the exam but did not submit an attempt are included in this calculation with a score of 0%.
Median Score
The Median Score is the middle value of learner scores if all scores were arranged / ranked from lowest to highest. Learners who were assigned to the exam but did not submit an attempt are included in this calculation with a score of 0%.
Low Score
The Low Score is the lowest score on the exam. Learners who were assigned to the exam but did not submit an attempt are included in this calculation with a score of 0%.
High Score
The High Score is the highest score on the exam.
ScoreGuardian 20
ScoreGuardian 20 shows the Kuder-Richardson KR-20 score for the exam.
The ScoreGuardian 20 is on a scale from 0 to 1, where higher scores indicate that the exam is more reliable. A value of 0.70 or higher is typically considered satisfactory.
Student Performance
The Student Performance bar chart displays performance details for the exam and a histogram of learner scores.
Pass Ratio
The Pass Ratio is the number of passing learners divided by the total number of learners assigned to the exam.
Passing Learners
Passing Learners is the number of learners assigned to the exam who received a final score equal to or above the passing threshold set by the instructor.
Failing Learners
Failing Learners is the number of learners assigned to the exam who received a final score below the passing threshold set by the instructor. This includes learners who did not submit an attempt on the exam or missed the exam and received a zero.
Pass Threshold
The Pass Threshold is the passing threshold the instructor sets, shown as a percentage. Even if the instructor sets the passing threshold based on points, it will be displayed as a percentage in this report section.
The histogram chart shows the number of students who received a score within the displayed ranges:
- Less than 40% (not inclusive)
- 40% to 49%
- 50% to 59%
- 60% to 69%
- 70% to 79%
- 80% to 89%
- More than 90%
Question Summary
The Question Summary table includes the columns listed below. Any column can sort the table. Use the dropdown under the table to change the number of questions displayed from the default of 10 to 25, 50, 100, or 250 questions.
Question Number
The question number corresponds to the order in which the questions were listed in the test the exam was published. It lists the original order of the questions, regardless of whether they were scrambled for learners.
Question Preview
A preview of the question stem is shown.
The question type for each question is listed.
Correct %
Correct % identifies the number of learners who answered the question correctly divided by the total number of learners who submitted an attempt for the exam. If a learner received partial credit on a question, it is counted as correct. If a learner misses the exam (did not submit an attempt), they are not included in the calculation.
Avg. Points
Avg. Points displays the sum of the points scored by each learner divided by the total number of learners who submitted an attempt. If a learner misses the exam (did not submit an attempt), they are not included in the calculation.
Skipped identifies the number of learners who did not submit an answer for the question, i.e., a question was in the unanswered state when the attempt was submitted. If a learner misses the exam (did not submit an attempt), they are not included in the calculation.
Time Limit
A Time Limit will only appear if each question is timed. NA will appear if the overall test was timed or there was no time limit.
Avg. Time
Avg. Time displays the sum of the time each learner spends on each question divided by the number of learners. If a learner misses the exam (did not submit an attempt), they are not included in the calculation.
Learner Summary
The Learner Summary table includes the tabs and columns listed below. Any column can sort the table. Use the dropdown under the table to change the number of learners displayed from the default of 10 to 25, 50, 100, or 250 learners. Each one is covered in more detail below.
Top 10
Displays only the top 10 ranked learners - this may show more than 10 learners if there are ties in rank, but it is usually only 10.
Rank shows the rank of the learner out of all learners assigned to the exam. If two learners score the same on the exam (based on total points), they are given the same rank. Learners who did not submit an attempt are always ranked last, even if there were learners who submitted an attempt and received 0 points.
The learner's First / Last name and email address are shown. Clicking the learner's name opens the Learners tab of the report.
Points Score
Points score shows the points earned by the learner over the possible points for the exam. Only final learner scores are included; scores on previous attempts are not shown.
Percentage Score
Percentage score displays the points scored converted to a percentage. It is rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent.
Number of Attempts
The number of attempts submitted by the learner. If there is more than one attempt submitted, the attempt count is a clickable link. Clicking on the number of attempts displays the details for each exam attempt submitted by the learner.
Status identifies whether the attempt Passed or Failed based on the instructor-set threshold. There are three possible statuses.
- Missed - The learner did not submit an attempt on the exam before the due date / time.
Not Started - The learner did not submit any exam attempts and the exam is still in progress.
Passed - The learner’s score was equal to or above the passing threshold set by the instructor.
Failed - The learner’s score was below the passing threshold set by the instructor.
Action Menu
The Action Menu opens additional options for each learner.
- See Results - Opens the Learners tab of the report.
- View Attempts - This option is only available if multiple attempts have been submitted. It displays the details for each exam attempt submitted by the learner.
- Edit Score - Opens a window allowing the instructor to edit the learner's score for the exam.