All questions and answer options in EchoExam include rich text formatting. You can add text formatting like bold and underline, change font size, color, and style, insert tables, images, special characters, and more! The formatting updates in real-time as you work, so you'll always see what your questions and answers will look like.
Edit a Test or Question to try out all of the rich text options available with EchoExam.
Main Rich Text Editor
The Rich Text Editor is what you'll see anytime you're working on a question or answer option. It's split into the three main sections described below. While working on a particular text field, you can undo and redo your work using the arrows on the right side of the options bar.
Text Formatting Options
- Bold - Use to emphasize text.
- Italic - Use to callout text.
- Underline - Use to call attention to text.
- More Text
- Subscript - Add a subscript to the text.
- Superscript - Add a superscript to the text.
- Font Family - Change the text font to Arial, Georgia, Times New Roman, or Verdana.
- Font Size - Change the text size to Small, Medium, Large, or Extra Large.
- Text Color - Change the text color.
- Background Color - Change the background color.
- Clear Formatting - Clear text formatting.
Paragraph and Layout Formatting Options
- Align
- Align Left - Left align the text.
- Align Center - Center align the text.
- Align Right - Right align the text.
- Align Justify - Justify align the text.
- More Paragraph
- Ordered List - Creates an ordered list with the following options:
- Default - The default is a numbered list.
- Lower Alpha - Lowercase Latin letters.
- Lower Greek - Lowercase Greek letters.
- Lower Roman - Lowercase Roman letters.
- Upper Alpha - Uppercase Latin letters.
- Upper Roman - Uppercase Roman letters.
- Unordered List - Creates an unordered list with the following options:
- Default - The default is a black bullet.
- Circle - White bullet.
- Disc - Black bullet.
- Square - Square bullet
- Paragraph Format - Offers the following options for flexibility in creating paragraphs.
- Heading 1
- Heading 2
- Heading 3
- Heading 4
- Normal
- Content
- Increase Indent - Increases the right indent of text.
- Decrease Indent - Decreases the right indent of text.
- Ordered List - Creates an ordered list with the following options:
Insert Options
- Add Resource
- Upload / URL - Upload a resource from your computer or add one from a URL. EchoExam currently supports .png, .jpg, and .jpeg image files.
- Resources - Select from resources you have uploaded or that have been shared with you.
- Stock Images - Choose from our over 1 million royalty-free Stock Images to add to your question.
- Math equation
- MathType
- LaTeX
- Chemistry formula
- ChemType
- Special Characters - Add the following special characters to your questions:
- Latin - Upper / lowercase letters and common symbols.
- Greek - Upper / lowercase letters.
- Cyrillic - Upper / lowercase letters.
- Punctuation - Common punctuation marks.
- Currency - Common world currency symbols.
- Arrows - Directional and math arrows.
- Math - Common math symbols.
- Misc - Miscellaneous symbols.
- Additional Insert Options
- Insert Table - Insert a table into the question or answer.
- Insert Link - Insert a link to a webpage in the question or answer.
- Emoticons - Add emoticons to your question or answer.
- Insert Horizontal Line
Image Formatting Editor
The image formatting editor is what you'll see anytime you're editing a resource.
- Replace
- Align
- Align Left - Left align the image.
- None - Center align the image.
- Align Right - Right align the image.
- Image Caption - Adds a caption to the image.
- Remove - Removes the image.
- Display
- Inline - Displays the image in line with the text.
- Break Text - Breaks the test around the image.
- Alternative Text - Add alternative text to the image for screen readers.
- Change Size - Opens an editing window to adjust the height and width.
Table Formatting Editor
The table formatting editor is what you'll see anytime you're editing a table.
- Table Header - Adds a header to the table.
- Remove Table - Removes the table from the question or answer.
- Row
- Insert row above - Inserts a row above the selected row.
- Insert row below - Inserts a row below the selected row.
- Delete row - Deletes the selected row.
- Column
- Insert column before - Inserts a column before the selected column.
- Insert column after - Inserts a column after the selected column.
- Delete column - Deletes the selected column.
- Cell
- Merge cells - Merges the selected cells.
- Vertical Split - Splits the selected cells vertically.
- Horizontal Split - Splits the selected cells horizontally.
- Vertical Align
- Top - Top align the table text vertically.
- Middle - Middle align the table text vertically.
- Bottom - Bottom align the table text vertically.
- Horizontal Align
- Align Left - Left align the table text horizontally.
- Align Center - Center align the table text horizontally.
- Align Right - Right align the table text horizontally.
- Align Justify - Justify align the table text horizontally.