The look and feel of the Player is changing in December with the Q4 release. Upcoming changes are identified in this article by providing screenshots labeled "Old UI" and "New UI".
If you have been given the Copy permission in a collection, you are able to make copies of the media in the collection. The copy is placed into your EchoVideo library and is now media you own. The copy is NOT placed into the collection.
Creating copies of presentations generates an exact duplicate of the presentation, including Polling slides. Creating copies of interactive media generates an exact duplicate of the media, including embedded polls.
Copying can take some time for large files. The create copy feature simply makes a copy of the original, but generating this copy can take some time. While this is happening, the copy will appear to be in "processing" status, and you may not be able to view it until processing is complete.
After you enter the collection, hover over the media tile to expose the menu button. Click on the menu button then click Make A Copy as shown in the below figure.
If you do not see a menu button when hovering over the media tile, OR the Make A Copy option is grayed out, you cannot create copies of this collection's media.
Alternately, click ON the media tile to open the collection media player page. This page contains a playback panel, below which are commands for the media including Make A Copy, as shown in the below figure.
Old UI |
New UI |
After the copy has been generated, it appears in the Library with YOUR name on the tile as the owner. Keep in mind that the copy is a completely different file than the original you copied. You may want to use the Edit details feature to rename the copy, which has a default name of "original_name (copy)".
The figure below shows a copy made of the above collection media, including the "(Copy)" appended to the media name, and the user who created the copy as the owner name.