Legacy Documentation: If you are installing the EchoVideo TinyMCE plugin and filter or upgrading the EchoVideo atto plugin and filter to at least version 1.0.17, you do NOT need to perform the steps on this page. This help article has been left in place for institutions that have not yet upgraded Atto or moved to TinyMCE, to reference as needed. The latest plugins and filters contain all the necessary settings to allow students to embed videos and submit EchoVideo videos as homework assignment submissions.
This article contains steps specific to the configuration needed when using a legacy version of the EchoVideo Atto plugin and filter.
EchoVideo provides an Atto plugin that can be downloaded from EchoVideo and installed and configured on your Moodle instance. If you have upgraded to at least version 1.0.10 of the plugin and filter, the EchoVideo Embed button will be visible for both Instructors and Students to embed videos from their EchoVideo library directly into a Moodle content window. Students will also be able to embed EchoVideo videos as assignment submissions, as responses to Assignments posted by an instructor. However, none of the embeds by students will work unless you Enable trusted content under Moodle Site Policy settings, and set the Student role to allow trusted content. This page provides instructions for enabling these settings.
On the EchoVideo side, the Student Library must be enabled for students to be able to embed videos in the LMS content window.
The changes on the Moodle side effectively give Students the authority to pass URLs through to content windows. This change is required or the embedded videos will be stripped when the student submits the page or post. The change is to enable Trusted Sites in Moodle, and then to Allow the Student role (or whatever your student role is in Moodle if you use custom roles) to use Trusted Sites.
These procedures must be performed by the Moodle administrator. The steps below are provided as a guide; please refer to the Moodle documentation for further details if necessary.
To configure Moodle to allow students to embed EchoVideo videos into content windows
- Log into Moodle as an administrator
- Select Site Administration.
- Scroll down to Security and select Site policies.
- On the Site Policies page, scroll down to find the Enable Trusted Content entry (or Ctrl+F and search "trust").
- Click a check into the box (it is off by default). This tells Moodle to NOT strip content entries of things like HTML and URL entries.
- Return to the Site Administration home and click Users.
- In the Permissions section of the Users page, select Define Roles.
- In the roles listed, find the Student entry (or the custom role you use for students if this applies).
If you use multiple roles for Student users and want to make the embed capability work for all of them, repeat the next steps for each of those roles.
- Click the Edit option for the Student role. It looks like a gear.
- In the Student Role editing page, scroll to find the Trust submitted content entry (or
to search for "trust"). - Enable the Allow checkbox.
There! You are finished. If you upgraded the Moodle Plugin to at least version 1.0.10, Students should now be able to see the Embed button in content windows, be able to embed videos from their EchoVideo library, and submit EchoVideo videos for assignment responses. Again, be sure the Student Library toggle is on in EchoVideo for Students.