EchoExam allows you to create or modify mathematical equations. An equation consists of numbers, mathematical symbols, and templates. A template is a configuration of slots within an equation, forming a unified mathematical expression. These templates can represent various mathematical structures, including fractions, integrals, groups of parentheses, square roots, matrices, and more. You can also add an Equation as the correct answer. When added, learners must enter an equation as their answer.
You must have logged into EchoExam and be creating or modifying a question.
- Use the Rich Text Editor to edit the question text.
- Select Insert a math equation - MathType.
The MathType modal opens.
- Key in your equation.
You do not need to press the space bar between characters when keying an equation using MathType. All spacing is done so you can conform to mathematical style conventions.
- Click Insert.
- Optionally, type the LaTeX (surrounded by $$ on either side) directly into the question text area.
This will show as LaTeX in edit mode. If you have the cursor on it, you can open the equation editor to see the equation and make changes.
- Click Save.
The learner will always see proper math formatting for the equation (including instructor preview mode) in both online and printed tests.