The EchoVideo Media Details Page offers essential tools for managing and interacting with your media. It is accessible to users with media in their library and admins, instructors, and teaching assistants for course-related content. Depending on their role, users can access this page through their Library or Course.
The new Media Details Page (MDP) highlights the media's information, provides detailed insights, and gives you access to all available actions. This article focuses on the updated style, while the Media Details Page article offers a more comprehensive guide to the page and its features.
To view the Media Details Page, click on a media tile in your EchoVideo Library or select the media icon from your course's class list. The tables below highlight the key differences and similarities between the old and new Media Details Pages.
Media Info
Only video, audio, or interactive media share the same media actions. Media Info consists of four sections: Details, Publishing, Analytics, and History.
The media is playable in the upper right corner of the page across all Media Info tabs. The creation date, type, owner, and IDs are visible underneath the media. The vertical action menu above the media allows users to Duplicate, Archive, set Chapters (Beta), or send the media to the Trash.
The Details tab consists of the following:
- General - This includes basic information such as title, description, and tags.
- Source - The source type and whether the media was auto-published are stated here. The Source Files are also retained here for 30 days.
- Processed Files - Where downloads are turned on, the video and audio streams are available to download.
- Accessibility - From here, users with permission can order, upload, edit, download, revert, and delete transcripts and captions.
- Permission - From here, copyright settings can be edited.
- Player Style - Configure the Player Style to be applied to this media. The selection here will override any institution, organization, department, section, or folder-level settings.
The Publishing tab has one to six options. Depending on permissions, users can create Links, H5P links, Embeds, or share the media with Individuals. They can also add the media to Classes, Collections, or Folders.
The Analytics tab only appears for video, audio, or interactive media. It provides viewing data for each media piece, indicating how many users have viewed it, how long they viewed it, and where the views came from.
The Polling tab displays student responses to interactive media polls.
The History tab provides information on any changes made to the media. It is searchable and can be filtered by a single date or a date range.
Media Editor
Only video and audio files can be edited. You cannot currently edit the video portion of interactive media; you can only add, remove, or edit the embedded polls.
Transcript Editor
If transcripts have been added, the Transcript Editor provides a playback panel on the left and the transcript text, broken out into timed cues, on the right.
The Polls tab is broken into Embedded Polls and Library Polls. Embedded Polls are questions that you have embedded into that piece of media. Library Polls are existing polls in your library--they may be from other interactive media or something you created separately.