These Release Notes contain a summary of changes made for the July 28-29, 2020 release of EchoVideo. For changes made in previous deployments, see the other Release Notes articles located in this Topic group, or contact
Upcoming Deployment Schedule
To accommodate the US Labor Day holiday, our typical two-week deployment schedule will skip the release that would otherwise be slated for the week of September 7, 2020.
Our deployment dates for the upcoming releases are as follows:
- July 28-29 (this one)
- August 11-12
- August 25-26
- September 22-23 (four weeks from previous)
New Features
User Libraries now have a Source option in the Filter
The Library Filter now has a “Source” option that allows users to filter their media based on how it was produced (Classroom recording, Upload, Live, UC Personal, Zoom meeting recording, etc.). This field combined with the others available in the library filter can help users who have a large number of media find exactly what they are looking for.
See Searching and Filtering Library Content for more information.
Automated Transcripts now have differing speaker identification - EchoVideo transcripts, generated by the Amazon ASR service now provide simple recognition of differing speakers in the transcripts. Each cue is now marked with different speaker tags, where the automated system could recognize a change in speaker. This allows transcript editors to simply change the generic name of the speaker returned with the transcript, which then automatically applies that change to all of the cues where that speaker is identified.
See Adding and Identifying Speakers for Transcripts for more information.
Administrators can now request transcripts for individual captures from the Media Details page for completed captures. This is in addition to the ability to make this request from the Captures page, as provided with a previous release of EchoVideo .
See Request Transcript for Individual Media for more information.
Device Software Update: 6.0.695618545
NOTE: The Device Software Update entry is only included when an update is being deployed; the legacy software version is NOT likely to change often, and it is not included if no updates are being deployed.
- Resolved an issue surrounding slow loading of presentation slides in a classroom in order to improve the transition time and responsiveness when progressing through a slide deck.
- The Live badge on a Room Card for Administrators now links correctly to the ongoing live stream when it is being published to a Class that is either in the past or future.
- Resolved an issue where the Universal Capture UI was incorrectly displaying the estimated time until a live stream was available if the initially estimated time period had passed.
- Resolved an issue where Channel 2 only captures on Pro devices could fail.
- Changes to a section’s capture schedule were not being properly updated in the Class List for a section, to include capture/class name changes and removal of the Live badge where applicable.
- Resolved an issue where USB or IP camera audio was not being captured for ad hoc captures or appearing correctly in the VU meter.
- The create or change password messaging has been updated to accurately state that EchoVideo passwords must be at least 9 characters and not 8.
- Instructors can now sort the student list in the polling tab for a section.