These Release Notes contain a summary of changes made for the April 2-3, 2019 release of EchoVideo. For changes made in previous deployments, see the other Release Notes articles located in this Topic group, or contact
New Features
Universal Capture for Appliances is now available in Beta (PRO and POD only)! The same super, simple interface as Mac and Windows that allows users to create content in any classroom. No training or documentation is required because of how easy it is to use. For more information on the beta program, contact or your Customer Success Manager.
For more information, see Universal Capture on the Pro and Pod.
The new Instructor Analytics Dashboard is here! The Analytics page for a course has changed and now provides MUCH more data, in MUCH more detail, with MUCH more accuracy. Both the Classes tab and the Students tab have a whole new look and lots more information.
To get started, see Course Analytics – Overview. This article provides overview information and links to other related articles.
For detailed descriptions of the data fields now being provided, see Definitions of Analytics Data Metrics.
Instructors can now share/publish to classes from their Content Home page. The new Share Settings modal, introduced earlier for sharing with other users and creating links to videos, now provides a Class tab for instructors. Here, instructors can publish media to an existing class, or create a new class to hold the media.
For more information, see Share (Publish) and Unshare Media to a Course.
Administrators can now enable or disable downloads of Universal Capture: Personal for Students. This option resides in the Institution Settings > Features toggle list, as a sub-toggle to the Student Library option. Because Students uploading UC: Personal captures to EchoVideo requires them to have access to their Library/Content Home, the ability for students to download the installers also requires the Student Library option to be turned on.
For more information, see Enable or Disable the Student Content Library Page.
Views of Public Link and Embedded Videos are now tracked and listed on the Video Assets Report. With the March 19-20 release of EchoVideo, we began including views of videos being done through Public Links and Embedded Videos in the Admin’s Video Assets Report. These newly tracked views also include views by any user through the Media Details page, via the player located in the top section of the page.
For details on how this new viewing data is being shown in the report, see Video Assets Report.
- ASR Transcriptions will now be done for captures up to 4 hours in length. Previously the automatic transcription limit was for captures 2 hours long or less. This change was implemented on 20 March 2019.
- In Safari, the Play button for videos is now disabled until the video has completed loading in the player and is playable.
- Added logging and hardened Universal Capture against possible capture failures.
- The Room card will now accurately show thumbnails for the sources being captured.
- Resolved an issue with CCAP where captures were failing due to 0-byte files. This fix requires users to upgrade using the latest installer.
- Resolved an issue where Universal Capture recordings were ending early.