These Release Notes contain a summary of changes made for the June 16-17, 2020 release of EchoVideo. For changes made in previous deployments, see the other Release Notes articles located in this Topic group, or contact
New Features
Student editing of Transcripts for Library media
EchoVideo Administrators can now allow Students to edit transcripts of media in their Library. This applies both to media they own (have created or uploaded) as well as any media that another user has shared with them. This allows instructors to share media with a few students to have them edit the transcripts for accuracy. It also allows Students the ability to generate a transcript for media outside of EchoVideo using a transcription program, then upload that transcript for their media in EchoVideo.
See Allow Students to Edit Transcripts for Library media.
Universal Capture now allows for publishing ad hoc captures to an existing class – Universal Capture has been enhanced to allow users to publish ad hoc captures to a pre-existing class (that does not already have video/audio media in it). This allows Instructors to prepare for classes by publishing presentations and/or polling activities into a class, then adding the ad hoc video to that class. In particular, this workflow allows for Live ad hoc streams to appear in the pre-configured class, complete with the pre-loaded presentation and/or polling activities.
See Recording with Universal Capture for more information.
Device Software Update: 6.0.692314000
NOTE: The Device Software Update entry is only included when an update is being deployed; the legacy software version is NOT likely to change often, and it is not included if no updates are being deployed.
- Multiple issues were resolved via hotfix, including:
- An issue where uploads from the Transcript Editor were not working in the Canada region.
- An issue where the Create button in the top navigation did not work from certain locations in the UI.
- An issue with UC where some users had captures that were failing to upload.
- Resolved an issue where if a user was logged in to their EchoVideo institution but followed a public (anonymous) section link for a different institution, their active account was being added to the second institution.
- Resolved an issue where the transcript editor would not load properly if the media had a transcript file with no cues (e.g., the audio was only music or was missing so no spoken cues were applied).
- Resolved issues surrounding auto-scrolling in the transcript editor to the highlighted cue.
- Where allowed by system settings, users can now edit the transcripts for media that has been shared with them.
- Resolved an issue where, in some instances, the Owner column of the Capturing list on the Admin Captures page was not being populated with the owner name.
- Resolved an issue where UC on the Mac was failing to update properly, causing users to be stuck in an update/restart loop.
- Resolved an issue where UC on Windows was failing to upgrade properly, causing users to be stuck on the Loading page.
- Resolved an issue where Live Streamed Classes from UC: Personal devices were not getting timestamps.
- Verbiage on the Zoom Configurations page has been updated to note that to remove your EchoVideo/Zoom integration, you must delete the EchoVideo app from your Zoom account first, then delete the Configuration in EchoVideo.
- Resolved an issue where Universal Capture was failing on the latest version of Windows (2004).