EchoVideo lets you take notes while viewing a class, allowing you to maintain your own Study Guide for the course. Any questions or responses you post for a class are saved to your Study Guide, and you can bookmark other people's questions so they also appear in your Study Guide.
This topic provides an overview of these study-aide features. See Taking Notes in Class and Reviewing Your Study Guide for detailed information.
Taking and Reviewing Class Notes
Notes you enter during class are synced to the video location or presentation slide you are viewing so that when you go back to look at them later, you have some context for the note you entered. This can be particularly useful if your notes are cryptic or you make a note of an item from the class you want to review again. (You can also add a Bookmark to review that location if a note is unnecessary.)
Taking Notes in the Classroom
While viewing the class video or presentation, click into the Notes panel and begin typing. Your text is entered along with the timed location of the video and / or slide number showing when you began typing your note.
When you press Enter, the current note entry is completed, and a new one with a new time / slide stamp is added. All you have to do is keep typing.
Every time you enter this classroom, you can open the Notes panel to see what notes you have taken and, if necessary, click to edit those notes.
You can also click the Bookmark icon from the Classroom Toolbar to bookmark a video or slide location to return to later.
Reviewing your Study Guide
From the Class List page, click the Study Guide tab. This allows you to see the notes you have taken for each class (use the drop-down to select a class), and add to or edit them if necessary. You can also enter general notes about the course that are not associated with any particular class. Any discussion posts (Q&A) you have added to any class also appear in your study guide, along with any other peoples' posts you may have bookmarked.
Only you can see the notes in your study guide, although the Instructor does know if you are taking notes through the EchoVideo interface.