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Instructors and Administrators
The Analytics tab appears for video, audio, and interactive media.
The data on the Analytics tab is updated approximately once an hour. It may take up to 24 hours for the viewing data to appear.
When you first open the Media Details Page, the Details tab is shown by default, containing basic details about the media.
For videos, audio, and interactive media, next to the Publishing tab is an Analytics tab that provides viewing information for the media. This data is not currently available for presentations or polls.
The Analytics tab is visible to any administrator or instructor who can open the Media Details Page for an item. It is not visible to students or teaching assistants.
Heatmap of Views
The Overview data described in the section below can be displayed as a Heatmap overlay on the player.
Click the Settings icon, then toggle ON the Heatmap option as shown in the figure below (it is off by default). The playback panel now displays the heatmap overlay.
The Heatmap allows you to see what portions of the media have been viewed most often over the past 12 months. It is a graph of the relative number of views for every 30-second media segment. It uses the same data shown in the Overview but lays it out on top of the timeline so that the viewing data corresponds with that location in the media.
The topmost section of the Analytics tab is the Overview. As its name implies, it provides an overview of the total views for this media over the past 12 months.
Views are broken down into Anonymous Views and Authenticated Views.
Anonymous Views typically come from public links to the media or public access links to the course / section in which it is published. In either case, we can tell that someone viewed the media, but we can't identify the user. For this reason, the Unique Viewers field will always be blank for anonymous views.
Authenticated Views are those views performed by users whom we could identify. Typically, these are views in a course classroom but can be through embedded videos in an LMS / VLE content window. These views can also come from public media links that require the user to log in before viewing. They may also be views of a publicly posted link, but the user who viewed them had an active session in EchoVideo, so we could identify the viewer.
For each type of view, the table provides the following overview data of those views:
- Unique Viewers - The number of different users who have viewed this media. For Anonymous Views, this figure will always be blank.
- Total Views - The total number of views executed by the category of viewers.
- View Time - This media's total viewing time by this category of viewers.
- Average View Time - The average media viewing time for each VIEW by this category of viewers.
- Downloads - The number of times this media has been downloaded by the category of viewers.
- Average Play-Through - The percentage of the media's duration that the average view time comprised. If the average view time is 3:00 for a 30-minute video, the play-through percentage would be 10%.
The lower sections of the Analytics tab, described below, provide more detailed information on when views occurred and where the views came from.
Total Views by Time Range
The middle section of the Analytics tab provides a simple bar chart that shows WHEN the views occurred. By default, the chart shows views for ALL locations where the media has been viewed for the last 30 days. The drop-down lists above the chart, identified in the below figure, allow you to change this if needed.
All viewing dates / times on this page are presented in UTC or "universal time code" and not "local time" for either the user's or institution's location.
The bars in the chart are broken down by Anonymous Views and Authenticated Views. In the top right corner of the chart is a Total Views count for the time range and location selected.
Use the Time Range drop-down list, identified in the above and below figures, to select a different date range to view information. Your selections include the Last 7 days, Last 30 days (default), Last 90 days, and Last 12 months. These options are shown in the below figure.
If applicable, the X-axis changes to correspond with the selection, as does the Total Views count.
Use the Media Location drop-down list, also identified in the above and below figures, to check view information that occurred in different locations. You can select All locations (this is the default) or for a particular LMS or EchoVideo course where the item is located for viewing. You can also select All Course related views or Not Course Related views.
The data in the bar chart and the view-by-location tables (located below the bar chart) change to reflect your selection.
The Time Range and Media Location selections apply to all the data below them on the page and the Download Data file. All of these items are populated using the same data. If you select a time range and / or media location with no views, the bar chart is empty, and there are no location tables below it. In addition, if there is no data, the Download Data button is grayed out.
Total Views by View Location
The area below the view-by-date chart provides view-by-location data, meaning where the views of this media came from. Each "publish location" has its own table and, like the bar chart, is subject to the media location and time range drop-down lists discussed above. You can also download this data to a CSV file for viewing and use outside of EchoVideo.
The views by location tables come in three "types" of locations:
EchoVideo Course Media: If the media is published to a class in an EchoVideo course, that course is listed along with the views that occurred throughout the class. If it is published in multiple courses, each course is shown separately.
LMS / VLE Course Embeds: If the media is embedded in a content window of an LMS / VLE course (such as Canvas, Blackboard, or Moodle), that LMS Course name is listed, along with the views that occurred through that LMS / VLE course posting. As with EchoVideo courses, if the media is embedded in multiple LMS courses, each LMS course is shown separately.
Non-Course Related: If views of the media have come in from anywhere OUTSIDE of either of these locations, those views are listed under Not Course Related. This can include views from the Media Details Page, views from any Groups where this media was added, and any public link / public embed media views.
As stated above, the view data in these tables is subject to the Time Range drop-down selection. The tables shown are dependent upon the Media Location drop-down selection. This allows you to very specifically see where your students are viewing the media and when.
The figure below provides an example of a piece of media that has views from all three locations. They are defined in more detail below the image. The below image has the default All selected for Media Location and the default Last 30 Days selected for Time Range.
The top table in the above figure, Webteam Testing 2020 is the EchoVideo Course in which this media resides. The views listed here were from users who entered the classroom where this item is published and viewed the media. You may notice Anonymous Views showing for your EchoVideo course in your data. This can happen if the course has a Public Access Link through which anonymous users can view the course media.
The middle table in the above figure, Why Does it Work 002 - SH2020 is the Canvas (LMS / VLE) course where this media is embedded. Because this was embedded using a newer Echo Embed button that provides viewer authentication, the LMS course and the viewer identities can be identified. For this reason, it is very unlikely that any Anonymous Views will ever be listed in a view-by-location table for an LMS course embed.
Older embedded videos in an LMS / VLE, performed before authentication was added to the embed button, will likely not provide the necessary LMS course information to categorize them here. Those views will instead be provided in the Not Course Related section of the view details and may include a mix of authenticated and anonymous views.
The bottom table in the above figure, Not Course Related, will appear for any media with any views that occur outside of an EchoVideo course or a known LMS / VLE course. This can be views from a Group if the media is shared with one; it can be views of the media by any user through the Media Details Page or through public links. As indicated in the above note, it might be views of LMS / VLE embeds of this media performed with an older version of the Echo embed button. Any views that cannot be otherwise associated are listed in this section.
Live View Counts - EchoVideo has only been able to accurately log Live View Counts and View Time since the Feb 25-26, 2020 product deployments. In addition, it does not receive Live View Count and View Time data from live streams produced through the legacy SafeCapture HD (SCHD) appliances.
This means that the Analytics tab for live captures generated from SCHDs or before Feb 25-26, 2020 will not have Live View Counts, nor will the View Time data shown include time spent viewing the live stream. Later views of the processed video (on-demand) provide all this data.
Users Views
Below the view-by-location tables is a list of users who have viewed this media. Like the view-by-location tables and view-by-date chart, the All Users list is subject to the Media Location and Time-Range dropdown lists. This means that the users listed are those unique viewers who executed the views counted in the bar chart and the view tables described above.
The users list includes ALL users who have viewed this media. This includes you, instructors, and other administrators, along with the "anonymous" user, if the media is published in a location where anonymous users can view it.
The Search box above the users list allows you to search for a particular user's name or email address or set of users.
Click a column header to sort the data by that column. The initial / default view of the table is sorted in ascending order by User (last name). The first click sorts in ascending order; the second click sorts in descending order.
The columns in the table are:
- User - Name of the user, last name first. The default view of the Users list is sorted by this column.
- User Email - The email address of the user
- Total Views - Total number of views logged by this user (in the time range and location(s) selected)
- Total View Time - Total media viewing time for this user for this media
Average View Time - Average media viewing time for this user for this media (total view time divided by number of views).
If this media was originally broadcast as a live stream, this includes the time spent viewing the live stream (see above note regarding live view data availability).
A Note about Time: None of the "time" references in any viewing data consider the speed at which the media was viewed. If a user viewed 20 minutes of a 30-minute video at 2x speed while spending 10 "real-time" minutes viewing the media, our View Time data shows they viewed 20 minutes of the video.
- On-Demand Views - Number of times this user viewed the processed video file (as opposed to a live stream)
- Live Views - Number of times this user clicked "view live stream" during the live stream (if applicable)
- Downloads - Number of times this user downloaded this media for offline viewing (if downloads are possible for this media)
Last Viewed - The date this user last viewed this media.
All dates / times on this page, including this one, are presented in UTC or "universal time code" and not "local time" for either the user's or institution's location. This is indicated at the bottom of the page below the user's list.
At the bottom of the users table, you may see paging buttons. These appear if the number of users in the list exceeds 10. Use the pagination, column sort, and Search box to find the desired user's viewing data.
The data in this list is subject to the Media Location and Time-Range drop-down list selections. If you are NOT seeing something in the users data that you expect to, check those selections (or defaults) to ensure the page is displaying all of the data you want to be working with.