EchoVideo is working towards certification for LTI Advantage, which is a package of three end-user services that build on LTI 1.3 standard:
- Deep Linking
- Names and Role Provisioning Services
- Assignments and Grades Services
Why LTI 1.3?
LTI 1.3 adopts the new IMS Security Framework, based on the industry-standard protocol IETF OAuth 2.0 for authentication services, JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for secure message signing, and the Open ID Connect workflow paradigm.
What is currently supported?
Deep linking is the next iteration to the Content Item Messaging (CIM) specification (currently used to embed EchoVideo media into LMS pages). The most noticeable difference is that Deep Linking leverages the authentication and security model introduced in LTI 1.3, providing more secure practices. EchoVideo currently supports LTI 1.3 Deep Linking for the following LMS platforms.
The current implementation of LTI 1.3 Deep Linking provides capabilities to embed or link to individual media items in a user's EchoVideo Library or individual media within an EchoVideo collection a user has appropriate access to. It also provides easy access to LMS Course-based analytics (EchoVideo consolidated analytics) and Automatic Gradebook Sync.
What is not supported under LTI 1.3?
LTI 1.3 does not currently support linking to EchoVideo Course sections themselves, that functionality remains part of the existing LTI 1.1 integration.
Why move from my existing integrations based on LTI 1.1?
EchoVideo will support LTI 1.1 integrations with EchoVideo for some time yet. However, the standard has been deprecated and will no longer be supported by IMS Global after June 30, 2022. Your institution may want to take advantage of increased security between the LMS and EchoVideo, and the LMS might be limiting LTI 1.1 support and / or recommends the use of LTI 1.3 integrations. New integration capabilities between EchoVideo and the LMS will be through LTI 1.3.
Is there a migration pathway for old LTI 1.1 created EchoVideo links?
This is dependent on your LMS. EchoVideo is not providing any migration capabilities in its implementation of LTI 1.3 integrations. Some LMS vendors have migration pathways to update old LTI 1.1 links to a LTI 1.3 version, please contact your LMS vendor for more information.