Captures created for sections are auto-published when they are scheduled. However, you may need to manually publish a capture to one or more sections / classes. Publishing information is located in the Share Settings area of the media details page because the media is shared with one or more classes.
Alternatively, you can copy the public link for media and post it anywhere you like, to allow non-EchoVideo users to view the media. This may be an option if publishing does not provide sufficient access.
Publishing means putting the capture into a class so students and instructors can view it. You can add it to an existing class or create a new class to hold the media.
If you create a class to hold the media, note that class Date and Time are optional, but the class must have a name if there is no date. In addition, classes with no date will appear at the bottom of the class list by default; users may have to scroll to see it, and instructors may want to reorder their classes to put them into the proper location in the class list.
To publish a capture to a class
- Find the capture you want from the Completed list on the Captures page.
- Click on the capture row to open the Media Details page.
The General tab is displayed.
- Click the Publishing tab and then Classes, as shown in the figure below.
The list includes locations where the capture has been published, including the course, section, and class name. If you can remove the capture from an existing section, you will see an X icon.
- Click Add To Class.
The Class Sharing modal appears, shown in the figures below.
- Select whether you want to share this media to an Existing Class or create a New Class to hold this media.
- For an Existing Class, select which Course to share the media with from the dropdown list.
- Use the Term and Section dropdown lists (which become active after selecting a course) to select the term and section where you want to share the media.
- Select a Class from the dropdown, as shown in the figure below.
- For a New Class, select which Course to share the media from the dropdown list.
- Use the Term and Section dropdown lists (which become active after selecting a course) to choose the term and section where you want to share the media.
- Enter a Class name, as shown in the figure below.
- Optionally, enter a Description.
- For a New Class, enter a Start Date, Start Time, and Duration.
- For a New Class, click the Calendar icon under Start Date to open the date picker and select a date.
- Click the Clock icon under Start Time to open the time picker and select a time.
Time is in 24-hour format.
- For a New Class, click the Calendar icon under Start Date to open the date picker and select a date.
- If necessary, change the Availability of the shared item.
By default, the item will be available now (immediately) and unavailable never (available indefinitely).
- Available Now: Students can view the shared media as soon as you finish publishing it. This is the default.
- Available Never: The media is shared to the class, but students cannot see it. This is the same as making the availability manual (you must set the item to be available when you are ready).
- Available Date: The media will be unavailable until midnight on the specified date, when students can view the media.
- Unavailable Never: The media is always available to students unless this is changed. Along with Available Now, this is the default.
- Unavailable Date: The media will become unavailable to students at midnight on the specified date.
- If setting Date-based availability, selecting the Date option activates the date field and the calendar icon for using the date picker. You must enter a date if this option is selected.
- When finished, scroll to the bottom of the Add To modal and click Done.
If the Done button is inactive, review the fields in the modal and be sure you have completed all the necessary items.
The content now appears for the selected (or created) class on the Class List page for the course. If you made a new class to hold the content and the class has no date, the new class appears at the bottom of the class list by default. The instructor or a teaching assistant can reorder the class list and change its location if necessary.
Removing or Unpublishing Content from a Course
The Media Details page shows all the locations (course / section / class) where an item is currently published. If necessary, you can remove this media from these classes.
Unpublishing / Unsharing media from a class removes any student notes or bookmarks, class Q&A, and all student viewing analytics associated with the item. This information is not recoverable. Consider making it unavailable if you want to retain this data but not allow students to view the media.
To remove (unpublish / unshare) content from a class
- Find the capture you want from the Completed list on the Captures page.
- Click on the capture row to open the Media Details page.
The General tab is displayed.
- Click the Publishing tab and then Classes, as shown in the figure below.
The list includes locations where the capture has been published, including the course, section, and class name.
- Click the X to the right of the course / class from which you want to remove this media, as shown in the figure below.
- Type DELETE to confirm.
You must use all capital letters.
- Click Delete.
When finished, the media no longer appears in the class / course from which it was removed.
If you do not see an X for the course to which this media is published, you may not have administrative rights to remove this media from that course / section. This is possible if your institution uses Designated Administration and that section does not fall within the hierarchy to which you have access.