Who can do this?
Administrators and Schedulers can create and manage Terms.
Terms are used to group course offerings by academic term (semester, trimester, quarter, etc.). They allow you to define a date range for the term, as well as define Exception dates during which classes are not held, such as holiday breaks or scheduled exam dates.
Once a term is created, managing the term involves adding or removing exception dates, editing details about the term, and deleting the term.
DELETING A TERM DELETES ALL ASSOCIATED SECTIONS: All sections must be associated with a term; if you delete a term, you are also deleting all of the sections associated with that term.
To manage terms
- Select Courses from the main navigation bar at the top of the page.
- From the toolbar above the course list, select Manage Terms.
- Use the Select a Term drop-down list to select a Term. If necessary, type into the search box to find the term you want to manage.
- Once the term is selected, click Manage located to the right of the drop-down list, to expand the Manage Terms dialog box.
- From the Manage Terms dialog box you can:
- Edit the start or end date of the Term.
- Edit the start or end date of any Exception dates for the term.
- Add an exception date range for the term.
- Add a Start Date and End Date for an exception range; use only Start Date for a single date exception.
Editing Exception Dates: When editing a term's exception date, know that the schedules already created for the sections have already created classes. Those classes will remain but no captures will be generated for them. Instructors may want to manually delete those classes from their Class list page.
Delete a term by clicking the trash can icon located to the right of the term name.
DELETING A TERM ALSO DELETES ALL ASSOCIATED SECTIONS: Sections must be associated with a term; if you delete a term, you also delete all sections associated with the term. This action cannot be undone.
- Click SAVE when finished.