Schedules can be created, updated, and deleted using CSV Imports. The fields requested for the update are identical to those requested for create, with the exception of needing the Schedule ID for making updates via import.
NOTE: There is now both a V1 and V2 for Schedule imports. They work similarly but do have a few differences. Most notably, you can use Name instead of UUID for many of the fields in the import, but there are more fields required to make the Name for each item unique. Also, External ID is required by all V2 Schedule imports. See Imports: Schedule V2 for more information.
Generating a Schedule Export should provide most of the data you need for an Update-action import. You may also need a Section export to obtain the system IDs for any sections you want to add or change for schedules, a Room export to obtain other room IDs, and/or a User export to obtain instructor IDs not already used in existing schedules.
A Delete-action import for a schedule requires only the system ID for the schedule. Generating a Schedule Export should provide the system IDs for any schedules you want to delete.
Note that Schedule Exports contain some fields that are not required/requested for Schedule Imports. You can leave these fields in your file; they will be ignored on import
IMPORTED FILES MUST HAVE ALL FIELDS/COLUMNS REQUESTED: If the Update-import example contains a field, that field MUST be included in the final import, even if you are not making changes to the values for that field. As cited below, if a value is blank for an optional field, the value is removed for that item. Similarly, if the FIELD itself is missing from the import file for an optional field, that value will be removed from ALL of the items in the update file. If the field is required, it must both exist in the import file and must have a value in it.
Removing or Appending Field Values on update
Since you can copy existing values from an export into an update-action import file, we expect that if you wish to retain the existing values, those will be resident in the import. This means that for updates:
- To REMOVE the value(s) for a field where the value is optional, remove the existing value and leave the field blank.
- If the value is required and the field is blank, the row will be rejected.
- If the value is optional and the field is blank, the value will be removed from the object's properties.
- If the value is optional and the field is missing (the column is not resident) from the import, that value will be removed from ALL of the items in the update.
- To REPLACE the value for a field, remove the existing value and replace it with the new/updated value.
- To APPEND the values in a field where multiple values are allowed, retain the existing values but add the new values into the field (separating with a semi-colon).
Create Schedule
Download a sample CSV file and enter the values for your new sections into the fields provided. Then import your new file. Alternately you can perform a Schedule export, copy the relevant data, and make changes (including removing the Schedule ID) to rows being used to generate new schedules.
You must use the system ID for the Section(s), Room, and Instructor identified for each capture schedule. To obtain the system ID for these fields, perform a Export for the object type whose IDs you want to use, then copy that information into the appropriate fields of your import file. If the instructor and/or room for the capture is the same for the section(s) to which you are publishing, then a Schedule export or a Section export should be sufficient. Otherwise, you may also need a User or Room export.
As with all CSV Imports, multiple values in a single field must be separated with semi-colons (;)
Separate parameter from value with a bar (|).
For example: If you are setting delayed availability for captures published to a section, the format is sectionID=relative|numberOfDays. This would look something like 69324a-315-4de-8dg-g75d4=relative|7. This value for Section indicates that the generated captures are to be published to that section but the captures are not available to students until 7 days after each occurs.
Each Section can identify its own Availability setting. The default setting for capture availability is "immediate". Any section listed in the Section field without additional parameters will have those captures published to the section immediately. You can set different availability for captures for your section(s) as appropriate. Your options include immediate, unavailable, relative, and concrete.
Immediate and unavailable do not require any further parameters. If unavailable is used, the captures must be manually made available for students to view them.
Relative allows for a delay in publishing by the identified number of days (relative|5). In this case, the capture will be published 5 days after the capture is completed.
Concrete identifies the date, in YYYY-MM-DD format, on which you want the generated capture to be published (concrete|10-25-2017). Cannot be used for recurring captures.
Field Name | Description | Example |
Start Date (required) | Start date for capture in Date format YYYY-MM-DD | 2017-09-05 |
Start Time (required) | Start time for the capture (to the minute) in ISO 8601 Time format HH:MM | 09:00 or 14:30 (for 2:30pm) |
End Date (optional) | End date for capture in Date format YYYY-MM-DD. Required for recurring captures. | 2017-12-15 |
Days of Week (optional) | Days the recurring capture should occur: SU, MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA. Required for recurring captures (end date specified). | MO;WE;FR Separate multiple values with a semi-colon |
Exclusion Dates (optional) | Dates the recurring capture should not occur in format YYYY-MM-DD. If publishing to a section, these are in addition to exclusion dates for the section's term. |
2017-10-30;2017-10-13 Separate multiple values with a semi-colon |
Duration Minutes (required) | Duration of each scheduled capture in minutes. | 60 |
Sections (optional) | Section(s) to which generated captures are to be published. Can include availability setting for each section; default is "immediate" (see Note above). Valid availability values include: immediate, unavailable, relative, or concrete. Formats and descriptions:
69324a-315-4de-8dg-g75d4 or to publish to multiple sections: 288ef7ac-abcc-4914-a7ec-ab54d53ea3e2; 14a72d72-1b03-4196-9c97-ce6ee2b233f9=relative|5 |
Name (optional) | Name for the schedule; will be title for generated captures. If none specified, title will be "Untitled". | Physics II |
Room ID (required) | System ID for the room in which to schedule the capture | 45708g-143-65be-7so-g6402p |
Instructor ID (optional) | Instructor for the capture; becomes the capture owner. | 4401894a-eb32-423c-aa74-a25000b4a91b |
Guest Instructor (optional) | Name of any guest instructor | Michio Kaku |
Should Caption (required) | Boolean value for whether the capture should be captioned | Valid values: True, False |
Should Stream Live (required) | Boolean value for whether the capture should be streamed live | Valid values: True, False |
Input 1 (optional) | Identifies the input type to be captured through Channel 1 NOTE: This field is for visual input identifier only; audio is always captured. If both input fields are left blank, the resulting capture will be audio-only. |
Valid values: video, display, altvideo (for SCHD only) |
Input 2 (optional) | Identifies the input type to be captured through Channel 2 NOTE: This field is for visual input identifier only; audio is always captured. If both input fields are left blank, the resulting capture will be audio-only. |
Valid values: video, display, altvideo (for SCHD only) |
Capture Quality (required) | Quality of the capture output | Valid values: medium, high, highest |
Stream Quality (optional) | Quality of the live stream if Should Stream Live is set to "true" **SEE NOTE BELOW** | Valid values: medium, high, highest **SEE NOTE BELOW** |
External ID (optional) | External system identifier of the schedule | Physics2Schedule |
Live Stream Quality is CURRENTLY the same as Capture Quality: The Live Stream Quality field appears in both the CSV Import as well as in the Public API, but is a placeholder for the FUTURE ability to set Live Stream quality (not yet implemented). For now, the Live Stream Quality is always the same as the configured Capture Quality regardless of what value is entered in this field.
IF you are having problems streaming Live captures, set your Capture Quality to Medium for captures that are also to be streamed live. This will reduce the size and bitrate of the stream. Also, be aware the both the PRO and POD devices stream lower bitrates than SCHD.
Update Schedule
Generate a Schedule Export, then select and update the necessary information for the import file. Then import your new file. Be sure that your import file contains all of the fields/columns requested to avoid accidentally removing all values for that field. See note earlier on this page.
Field Name | Description | Example |
Schedule ID (required) | System ID of the schedule being edited | 69324a-315-4de-8dg-g75d42 |
Start Date (required) | Start date for capture in Date format YYYY-MM-DD | 2017-09-05 |
Start Time (required) | Start time for the capture (to the minute) in ISO 8601 Time format HH:MM | 09:00 or 14:30 (for 2:30pm) |
End Date (optional) | End date for capture in Date format YYYY-MM-DD. Required for recurring captures. | 2017-12-15 |
Days of Week (optional) | Days the recurring capture should occur: SU, MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA. Required for recurring captures (end date specified). | MO;WE;FR Separate multiple values with a semi-colon |
Exclusion Dates (optional) | Dates the recurring capture should not occur in format YYYY-MM-DD. If publishing to a section, these are in addition to exclusion dates for the section's term. |
2017-10-30;2017-10-13 Separate multiple values with a semi-colon |
Duration Minutes (required) | Duration of each scheduled capture in minutes. | 60 |
Sections (optional) | Section(s) to which generated captures are to be published. Can include availability setting for each section; default is "immediate" (see Note earlier on this page). Valid availability values include: immediate, unavailable, relative, or concrete. Formats and descriptions:
69324a-315-4de-8dg-g75d4 or to publish to multiple sections: 288ef7ac-abcc-4914-a7ec-ab54d53ea3e2; 14a72d72-1b03-4196-9c97-ce6ee2b233f9=relative|5 |
Name (optional) | Name for the schedule; will be title for generated captures. If none specified, title will be "Untitled". | Physics II |
Room ID (required) | System ID for the room in which to schedule the capture | 45708g-143-65be-7so-g6402p |
Instructor ID (optional) | Instructor for the capture; becomes the capture owner. | 4401894a-eb32-423c-aa74-a25000b4a91b |
Guest Instructor (optional) | Name of any guest instructor | Michio Kaku |
Should Caption (required) | Boolean value for whether the capture should be captioned | Valid values: True, False |
Should Stream (required) | Boolean value for whether the capture should be streamed live | Valid values: True, False |
Input 1 (optional) | Identifies the input type to be captured through Channel 1 NOTE: This field is for visual input identifier only; audio is always captured. If both input fields are left blank, the resulting capture will be audio-only. |
Valid values: video, display, altvideo (for SCHD only) |
Input 2 (optional) | Identifies the input type to be captured through Channel 2 NOTE: This field is for visual input identifier only; audio is always captured. If both input fields are left blank, the resulting capture will be audio-only. |
Valid values: video, display, altvideo (for SCHD only) |
Capture Quality (required) | Quality of the capture output | Valid values: medium, high, highest |
Stream Quality (optional) | Quality of the live stream if Should Stream Live is set to "true". **SEE NOTE BELOW** | Valid values: medium, high, highest **SEE NOTE BELOW** |
External ID (optional) | External system identifier of the schedule | Physics2Schedule |
Live Stream Quality is CURRENTLY the same as Capture Quality: The Live Stream Quality field appears in both the CSV Import as well as in the Public API but is a placeholder for the FUTURE ability to set Live Stream quality (not yet implemented). For now, the Live Stream Quality is always the same as the configured Capture Quality regardless of what value is entered in this field.
IF you are having problems streaming Live captures, set your Capture Quality to Medium for captures that are also to be streamed live. This will reduce the size and bitrate of the stream. Also, be aware the both the PRO and POD devices stream lower bitrates than SCHD.
Delete Schedule
Generate a Schedule Export, then select and copy the rows for the sections you want to delete into a new file for the Delete-action import. You can retain additional fields in the file; all except ID are ignored. Then import your new file.
Field Name | Description | Example |
Schedule ID (required) | System ID of the schedule being deleted | 69324a-315-4de-8dg-g75d42 |