Who can do this?
Administrators and Schedulers can manage all courses in the organizations and departments they have access to.
Courses are instructional offerings typically offered by an organization or department. In any given term there may be multiple offerings of the same course, which are represented as sections.
Courses simply act as "containers" for one or more sections of a class.
Once a course is created, managing the course involves editing the course code or course name, changing the organization or department it is associated with, and deleting the course.
DELETING A COURSE DELETES ALL ASSOCIATED SECTIONS: All sections must be associated with a course; if you delete a course, you are also deleting all of the sections associated with that course.
To manage courses
- Select Courses from the main navigation bar at the top of the page.
- Use the search box or filter drop-down lists to find the course you want to manage.
- Hover over or select the course to expose the action icons on the right of the row. These are shown in the below figure.
- Click the Edit icon (it looks like a pencil). This is identified in the above figure.
The Edit Course dialog box appears.
- From the Edit Course dialog box you can:
- Edit the Course code (must be unique to the institution)
- Edit the Course name
- Edit the Organization and/or Department to which the course belongs.
Use the drop-down lists to select a different Org/Dept (or select None).
Use the Search box in the drop-downs to find a particular Org/Dept.
- Click SAVE when finished.
Note regarding "uniqueness" of course codes: Hyphens and Underscores are considered unique. However spaces, forward and back slashes (/ or \), equal signs (=), ampersands (&), and question marks (?) are NOT considered unique and while they are allowed, they are ignored for validation purposes. Meaning ENG201 and ENG 201 and ENG=201 and ENG&201 are all seen as identical. ENG 201, ENG-201, and ENG_201 are all considered unique and would be allowed in the same institution.
If you are a Scheduler in the system, you may only have access to certain organizations or departments in the system. This means you can only move courses into those organizations or departments. If you attempt to select an org/dept to which you are not authorized, you will receive an error.
To delete a course
DELETING A COURSE DELETES ALL ASSOCIATED SECTIONS: All sections must be associated with a course; if you delete a course, you are also deleting all of the sections associated with that course. And any captures scheduled for those sections will not occur.
- From the main menu, select Courses.
- Use the search box or filter drop-down lists to find the course you want to manage.
- Hover over or select the course to expose the action icons on the right of the row (as shown in the figure above).
- Click the Delete icon (it looks like a trash can).
- CAREFULLY REVIEW THE WARNING MESSAGE that appears and type DELETE to confirm.
- Click Continue.
The course has been removed and no longer appears in the Course Catalog.