We love to hear from our users, even when things aren’t going perfectly! Here's some info that will help us solve the issue you report:
- The version of iOS/Android OS you’re currently running.
- The version of EchoInk you're using.
- Your EchoInk account email address.
- The title and chapter, if possible.
- When you experienced the problem.
- A screenshot of the issue, if possible.
- The browser (Chrome or Safari) and version you're using.
- Your EchoInk account email address.
- When you experienced the problem.
- A screenshot of the issue if possible.
If you have any of this information handy, please send an email to support@echo360.com with a detailed description of the problem. We look forward to helping you in any way we can.
We are aware that a small fraction of our customers have had trouble receiving our replies. If you have not received a response to your request within 48 hours, please check your email spam folder, or make sure that the email address submitted with your request is correct.
Take a screenshot
We may ask you to take a screenshot of what you're encountering in EchoInk to show us what you're reporting. Here’s how to take a screenshot and send it to us. Please setup email on your device so that you can email the screenshot(s) and a description of the problem to support@inkling.com.
- Press the power and home button at the same time.
- Press the home button.
- Go to the Photos app.
- Tap on the photo.
- Tap on the send icon.
- Tap Email Photo.
- Email the photo and a description of the problem to support@inkling.com.
On Mac
- Type the shortcut Command-Shift-4 and drag it over the area you want to show. Command-Shift-3 will take a screenshot of your entire screen.
- Find the file on the desktop
- Arrange your screen so that the issue on EchoInk for Web is showing on your desktop.
- Type the shortcut Control-Print Screen to take a screenshot of your desktop.
Android 4.4 or later
- Press and hold the volume down and power buttons at the same time.
- Go to the Gallery app.
- Tap Screenshots.
- Tap on the photo.
- Tap on the share icon.
- Tap Email.
- Email the photo and a description of the problem to support@echo360.com.