Features and Fixes
These Release Notes contain a summary of the changes made for the October 25, 2024 release of EchoExam. For changes made in previous deployments, visit the Deployment Notes section of our Knowledge Base or contact support@echo360.com.
New Features
Edit Correct Answers After Exam
Once an exam is marked complete, instructors will have the ability to adjust the correct answer for exam questions, ensuring accuracy. Once the correct answer for the question is adjusted, all learner attempts will be re-scored with the updated correct answer and learner scores are automatically re-calculated for the exam.
Adjust Learner Exam and Question Scores
For any completed exam, instructors can award learners bonus or penalty points for their overall exam score, individual attempt score, or for specific exam questions. Learner scores are adjusted based on the bonus and penalty points added by the instructor.
Multiple Correct Fill in the Blank Answers
Instructors have the option to add multiple correct answers for fill in the blank questions that they create. As long as the learner fills in one of the correct responses, they will be marked as answering that blank correctly.
Score by Blank for Fill in the Blank Questions
Instructors can select By Blank scoring for fill in the blank questions. With this partial scoring style, different points can be awarded for each blank within the question.
Partial Credit for Matching Questions
Matching questions can be scored using either 0 / 1 partial scoring or + / - partial scoring. With 0 / 1 partial scoring, points are awarded for each correct response. With + / - partial scoring, points are awarded for correct responses and deducted for incorrect ones, with a minimum score of zero.
Disable Spell Check for Text Response Questions
Instructors can disable spell check for any question type that requires a typed response. When spell check is disabled, misspelled words will not be identified by the browser and learners will not be able to access the browser spell check feature.
Answer Space Options for Printed Tests
Instructors using printed tests can adjust the size and style of answer spaces for essay, short answer, and numeric response questions. Answer space size can be set from extra small to extra large. They can be formatted in writing style, with lines for responses, or in drawing style, with a blank box for diagrams or equations.
- Implemented fixed question order for content suppliers.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved issue where capitalization was not preserved for metadata on imported questions.
- Resolved issue where matching questions did not consistently import answer options.