These Release Notes contain a summary of changes made for the November 16-17, 2021 release of EchoVideo. For changes made in previous deployments, see the other Release Notes articles located in this Topic group, or contact
New Features
LMS/VLE Course Capture Scheduling Tool for Blackboard!
EchoVideo is making Simplified Provisioning even more simple! We have added an LMS API configuration option can provide LMS course data directly into the capture scheduling interface.
This allows EchoVideo Administrators to obtain a list of LMS Courses, based on LMS instructor email address, and automatically create EchoVideo courses and sections to hold the recordings generated by the capture schedule. Those new sections correspond to and are automatically linked with the LMS course.
For more information, see Configuring EchoVideo for Blackboard Course Lookup and Capture Scheduling and Linking an EchoVideo Capture Schedule to an LMS Course.
This feature was made available for Canvas with the October 5-6, 2021 deployments. Other LMS/VLE integrations beyond Blackboard and Canvas are coming soon.
New Live Views API Report – The EchoVideo Reporting API now has a Live Views report available. This report provides information for live streamed classes that includes data on user entry and exit from both the live stream itself and the classroom that contains the stream.
Improved tracking and reporting of media downloads – Media downloads from EchoVideo are now being more accurately tracked and reported. Download events can be seen in the Media Details Analytics page, the Consolidated Analytics data for LMS instructors, and in the Asset Report obtained through the Administrator Dashboard and the Reporting API.
Canvas API Integration improvements – EchoVideo is continuing to make improvements, as well as addressing a variety of minor bugs to enhance the overall workflow for the Canvas API integration for LMS course capture scheduling.
Transcripts now provided in TXT instead of VTT format - Transcript downloads from the legacy classroom are now provided in TXT format instead of VTT. The TXT format does not include the cue timestamps, making them easier for students to read, use, and pull from as study aids.
Support for macOS 12 Monterey – Universal Capture is now supported for use on macOS 12, Monterey. This support was built in prior to this deployment, in anticipation of Apple’s release of Monterey on October 25, 2021.
Device Software Update: 6.0.737163656
- Resolved an issue with Universal Capture Classroom for Windows, where the audio input for the recording would stop if the instructor logged into the PC after the recording had started.
- Addressed an issue where the Views bar chart in the Analytics tab of the Media Details page for interactive media was not appearing for some media.
- Section Access links for SSO-enabled institutions no longer display the non-SSO options after editing the link.
- Resolved an issue where Schedulers with institution-level access were receiving 403 forbidden messages when trying to access some sections.
- The skip forward/back buttons have been reinstated for the Transcript editor playback panel.
- Administrators now no longer see internal System users in any user selection list.
- Resolved a situation where if a video had no audio, but the Delay Availability toggle was turned on for the section, the Download modal would not load properly.
- When editing long captures immediately after upload, in some cases the audio track would get slightly out of synch towards the end of the capture. This issue only impacted media being edited in the “preliminary” state and was not an issue if media processing had completed. The problem has been resolved.
- Addressed an issue where some Pro devices set to dual encode live streams would produce incoherent audio during the live stream, though the processed recording sounded fine. Live streams from Pro devices now produce correct audio during the stream even when set to dual encode.