These Release Notes contain a summary of changes made for the October 05-06, 2021 release of EchoVideo. For changes made in previous deployments, see the other Release Notes articles located in this Topic group, or contact
Upcoming Deployment Schedule
EchoVideo will be observing the US Election Day as a company holiday, to ensure all US employees are able to exercise their right and civic duty to vote. This year, that day falls on Tuesday November 2, which would otherwise be the first day of production deployments. To accommodate this holiday, EchoVideo will be skipping that deployment.
Therefore, the next several deployments will occur as follows:
- October 5-6, 2021 (this one)
- October 19-20, 2021
- November 16-17, 2021 (4 weeks after previous)
New Features
LMS/VLE Course Capture Scheduling Tool for Canvas!
EchoVideo is making Simplified Provisioning even more simple! We have added an LMS API configuration option can provide LMS course data directly into the capture scheduling interface.
This allows EchoVideo Administrators to obtain a list of LMS Courses, based on LMS instructor email address, and automatically create EchoVideo courses and sections to hold the recordings generated by the capture schedule. Those new sections correspond to and are automatically linked with the LMS course.
For more information, see Configuring EchoVideo for Canvas Course Lookup and Capture Scheduling and Linking an EchoVideo Capture Schedule to an LMS Course.
This feature is currently only available for Canvas integrations; other LMS/VLE integrations are coming soon.
EchoVideo Media Editor Updates – EchoVideo is working on several new features for the EchoVideo media editor. To prepare for these upcoming changes, we have made some incremental improvements to the media editor interface, including the addition of an Actions button. The new Actions button provides options for applying, clearing, or fully reverting your media edits.
In addition, the media editor now also provides thumbnail images and the audio waveform for the media even if you are editing it while it is still processing.
For more information, see Editing Videos with the EchoVideo Media Editor.
EchoVideo PowerPoint Ribbon Add-on – The EchoVideo PPT Ribbon Add-on has been updated to version 1.3.6, with provisional support for Office 365. This version also includes fixes for known issues with the date picker for new class publishing, and adds support for our new domain for our Asia Pacific customers.
PLEASE NOTE: The Ribbon Add-on is now considered to be in maintenance mode; it is still supported, and critical bugs or security issues may be patched, but we do not intend to add further enhancements to its capabilities.
Support for Windows 11 – Universal Capture Software has been updated and tested to ensure it is supported for use on Windows 11, slated for release on or about October 5th.
Group Share permission changed to Post – EchoVideo is working on expanding the current functionality of Groups, which will be renamed Collections. The first step in this transformation is to update Group permissions. The Share permission in Groups has been changed to Post, which allows a user to create a public link for posting media external to EchoVideo, and to post (publish) media to an EchoVideo section. A future release will expand the Post permission to include the ability to post Group/Collection media into an LMS/VLE course.
Device Software Update: 6.0.733125460
- Addressed an issue where some Administrator-accessed pages including Configurations and Downloads were timing out before they could be displayed, requiring page refresh or other navigation to view.
- Fixed an issue where some playback control menus for interactive media would not appear when a poll was showing in the panel.
- Addressed several issues with the consolidated LMS course analytics surrounding visibility of data for media that was not embedded by the user currently viewing the analytics.
- Fixed a rare issue where a preview task could sometimes interrupt a scheduled capture.
- Fixed an issue in the full tab view of the external player where the transcript panel would steal focus even when the viewer had scrolled down below the panel.
- Fixed an issue that would cause Universal Capture to record a black screen after logging in to Windows.