These Release Notes contain a summary of changes made for the February 11-12 2020 release of EchoVideo. For changes made in previous deployments, see the other Release Notes articles located in this Topic group, or contact
Special Notice
Removing Legacy Section Analytics Exports
Over the past two releases, EchoVideo has updated and improved the Section Analytics and Exports available for Instructors. For a refresher, see the Enhancements sections of the Jan 14 and Jan 28 Release Notes (also contained below).
Specifically, the new Students full data set export provides student engagement data, both rolled up for the section, and broken out by class. It includes individual metrics for each class, for each student, and a wider range of data than the legacy exports provided. Not only is the data more comprehensive, but the new Students full data set export does all this with a single file, while the legacy export required multiple files that instructors then often needed to stitch together.
As of the 11-12 February 2020 release, we are removing the old section analytics exports from the product (Section > Analytics tab > Export & Gradebook page). LMS Gradebook export functionality is not affected by this change. We are simply removing the Export section of this page. If you do not have an LMS Integration, this page will be blank and contain a notification to that affect.
New Features
Live Attendance List is Here! A new Classroom Tool has been added that allows users to see a list of Instructors and Students currently attending/viewing a Live Class. The list also displays all of the Instructors and Teaching Assistants associated with the section where the Live Class is published.
For more information, see our documentation on Viewing Live Classes and Using Classroom Tools.
- Enhanced UC: Personal and Classroom to ensure that the service is running whenever possible.
- Newly processed video edits will no longer display "-edit" in their filename.
- Updated the ca-bundle.crt for Universal Capture.
Device Software Update: Version 6.0.680757992
NOTE: The Device Software Update entry is only included when an update is being deployed; the legacy software version is NOT likely to change often, and it is not included if no updates are being deployed.
- Resolved an issue where the One-Touch profile was not using the configured audio source on Pods.
- Resolved an issue where Offline Captures created with UC: Personal were being uploaded without an owner.
- Resolved an issue where custom labels for source inputs were not being displayed correctly when editing an existing schedule.
- Resolved an issue where Pros were not being tasked properly to dual encode.
- Links to Groups now direct the user to a Login page if they are not currently logged in, instead of to a permissions denied page.
- Links to the online help in the product interface now point to the new support portal articles instead of requiring a redirect.
- Fixed the mapping of Teaching Assistants from some Blackboard instances so that they are now properly enrolled as Teaching Assistants in EchoVideo instead of as Students.