You can take attendance with Anywhere Polling and PointSolutions Desktop.
- Plug in your receiver.
- Optionally, enable Mobile Responses.
- Open PointSolutions Desktop and sign in to your account.
- Select a participant list.
- Click Anywhere Polling.
The PointSolutions Dashboard closes and Anywhere Polling opens.
- Click the Quick Poll Menu and select Attendance.
The Attendance window opens.
Students may now join the session and respond to be marked Present.
The Attendance window will update with each student submission. The default display is Absent. - Use the Present and Absent buttons to switch back and forth to see who has responded.
- Optionally, change the font size by clicking on one of the Font Size buttons.
- When you are finished taking attendance, click Close Polling.
- Close Anywhere Polling.
The Anywhere Polling application closes and the PointSolutions Dashboard opens to the Session Overview for the session you just ran.
A session file saved while logged in to a specific region will only open on that region. It can not be opened from PointSolutions Desktop when logged into a different region. If you encounter this situation:
(1) Change the region back to the region the session was run under.
(2) Export the session.
(3) Change the region to your region.
(4) Import the session file back into PointSolutions Desktop.
You can now view the Attendance Report.