These Release Notes contain a summary of changes made for the October 18-19 2023 release of EchoVideo. For changes made in previous deployments, see the other Deployment Notes articles located in this Topic group, or contact
- Resolved an issue with Canvas integrations where Consolidated Analytics data, when viewed from the Analytics tab within EchoVideo, was not displaying all view data due to not always being able to retrieve the LMS course ID. Consolidated Analytics data viewed from a Canvas resource link was not impacted.
- All new embeds going forward will no longer have an issue.
- To surface the missing data, the LMS course ID needs to be reset for each piece of media that was embedded prior to this hotfix. To do this, at least 1 person (regardless of role) needs to view / open each page, assignment, etc. where the media was embedded.
- Resolved an issue where the Live view count was not always appearing correctly for students who had watched a Live class / lesson within an EchoVideo section.
- Resolved an issue where generating a ViewSessions report via the API could time out.
- Resolved an issue that was causing a delay in the Institution Settings pages loading for Administrators.
- Resolved an issue where attempting to open the Media Details Page for audio-only media was resulting in a blank page.
- Resolved an issue where future live classes did not have the "Live" badge next to the class name in the Section Class list.