Results by Participant
The default Results by Participant report displays the following elements:
Printing this report will generate a page break in between each participant.
- Participant information
- Question text
- Participant response
Checking the boxes in the right panel adjusts the details of the report.
- Correct Answers- Displays the correct answers for each question.
- Answer Choices- Displays all of the answer choices for each question.
- Response History- Displays each response sent by the participant for each question including invalid responses.
- Response Times- Displays the length of time (in seconds) that it took with the final recorded response(s). Response times will not display on merged sessions.
- Overall Standards- Displays the percentage of overall comprehension for each standard.
- Active Participants Only- Displays the results of the participants that responded to at least one question in the session. Participants that sent feedback or an invalid response are also displayed.
A account license is mandatory for each participant. If a participant does not purchase a account license, his or her score will show as an asterisk in all PointSolutions participant reports. Furthermore, his or her score will export as "0" to an Excel workbook and will not be exported to an LMS.