Short Answer
A short answer question requires participants to respond with a word or phrase. Only participants using a QT2 Device or PointSolutions app may respond to a short answer question.
A QT2 device can support up to 512 characters for short answer questions in the PowerPoint and Anywhere Polling environments.
In the Self-Paced Polling environment, a short answer response can have up to 16 characters using QT2device.
Before You Begin
A new question list must be created or opened for editing. To open a question list for editing, select the Content tab, select a question list and click Edit Question List on the Question List Overview screen.
- Select a question from the question list.
- Select Short Answer from the Question Type drop-down menu.
- Enter a keyword(s) for the correct answer in the box provided.
Multiple keywords should be separated with a semicolon.
NOTEThe following symbols are supported:
QT2 Device
. , \ " ? @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = / <> [ ] { } £ € √</>