There are several slide types available for PowerPoint Polling. Each slide type has specific preferences.
Chart Preferences
Clicking a chart on a polling slide displays the Objects tab on the PointSolutions Slide Pane. The chart labels and values can be adjusted without having to open the PointSolutions Preferences window. The chart preferences only appear on charts for the following slides: Multiple Choice, Short Answer, Numeric Response, True / False, Demographic Assignment, Priority Ranking, Likert, Ice Breaker-Analogy, and Ice Breaker-Word Scramble.
Chart Colors
Select a color scheme from the Chart Colors drop-down menu to determine what colors will be used during the presentation. There are three options available.
- PowerPoint Scheme - Uses the selected PowerPoint color scheme.
- Defined - Uses user-defined chart colors.
- Correct / Incorrect - Applies green for correct answers and red for incorrect answers.
Chart Labels
Select a chart label from the Chart Labels drop-down menu to determine what is displayed under the answer charts during the presentation. There are two options available.
- Answer Text - Uses the first twenty-four characters of the answer choice text.
- Bullets - Uses the bullet format set in the Question Options.
Chart Values
Select a response count from the Response Count drop-down menu to determine whether the number of participants or a percentage is displayed during the presentation. There are three formats for displaying the percentage: 0%, 0.0%, and 0.00%.
Multiple Choice
A Multiple Choice slide contains a question text box, an answer text box that allows for up to 10 answer choices, and a chart.
Multiple Choice Slide Preferences
Question Options
- Anonymous - A question marked anonymous does not track participant list information when polling.
- Bullet Format - The bullet format for the answer choices can be changed from the drop-down menu.
- Multiple Responses - Multiple responses allow participants to send more than one response to a question. When this box is checked the following options may be set: Response Limit, Allow Duplicates, and All or Nothing Scoring.
- Response Limit - The response limit dictates the number of answer choices a participant can select for a specific question.
- Allow Duplicates - When checked, participants are permitted to select the same answer choice more than once.
- All or Nothing Scoring - When checked, the participant must choose each correct answer to receive points.
Polling Options
- Automatically Open Polling - When checked, polling automatically opens during the presentation. When unchecked, the slide needs to be advanced to open polling.
- Show Results - When checked, the chart is displayed after polling is closed.
- Response Grid - When checked, a response grid that displays which participants have or have not responded to the question is automatically inserted onto each new polling slide.
Scoring Options
- Correct Point Value - The point value of the correct answer(s) can be set by entering a value in the box provided.
- Incorrect Point Value - The point value of the incorrect answer(s) can be set by entering a value in the box provided.
- Speed Scoring - When checked, point values will decrease relative to the time polling is kept open.
- Show Advanced Scoring - When checked, the answer value and the point value are both displayed. The point value can be changed by entering a new value in the box provided.
- Correct Answer Indicator - A correct answer indicator allows participants to view the correct answer(s) after polling has been closed.
Short Answer
A short answer slide contains a question text box, a chart, and a list of the five most common responses. Additional responses can be viewed in PointSolutions desktop reports. Short Answer questions can only be responded to with ResponseCard NXTs, QT Devices, or the PointSolutions app.
A short answer response can have up to 160 characters in the PowerPoint and Anywhere Polling environments. In the Self-Paced Polling environment, a short answer response can have up to 16 characters.
The following symbols are supported:
. , \ " ? @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = / <> [ ] { } £ € √</>
Short Answer Slide Preferences
Question Options
- Anonymous - A question marked anonymous does not track participant list information when polling.
Polling Options
- Automatically Open Polling - When checked, polling automatically opens during the presentation. When unchecked, the slide needs to be advanced to open polling.
- Show Results - When checked, the chart is displayed after polling is closed.
- First Response Only - When checked, PointSolutions only accepts the first response sent by each participant.
- Show Correct Keyword - After polling closes, the correct keyword(s) is displayed on the slide.
- Response Grid - When checked, a response grid that displays which participants have or have not responded to the question is automatically inserted onto each new polling slide.
Scoring Options
- Correct Point Value - The point value of the correct answer(s) can be set by entering a value in the box provided.
- Incorrect Point Value - The point value of the incorrect answer(s) can be set by entering a value in the box provided.
- Speed Scoring - When checked, point values will decrease relative to the time polling is kept open.
- Answer Value - The answer value can be set by selecting Correct or No Value from the drop-down box.
- Correct Keyword(s) - Enter keyword(s) in the box provided. Multiple keywords should be separated with a semicolon.
A WordCloud slide contains a question text box and displays a WordCloud of the answers received. WordCloud slides can only be responded to with ResponseCard NXTs, QT Devices, or the PointSolutions app.
WordCloud Slide Preferences
Question Options
- Anonymous - A question marked anonymous does not track participant list information when polling.
Polling Options
- Automatically Open Polling - When checked, polling automatically opens when the slide is shown. When unchecked, the slide needs to be advanced to open polling.
- Show Results - When checked, the chart is displayed after polling is closed. Showing Results during polling is not available in Office 2007.
- First Response Only - When checked, PointSolutions only accepts the first response sent by each participant.
- Response Grid - When checked, a response grid that displays which participants have or have not responded to the question is automatically inserted onto each new polling slide.
Scoring Options
- Correct Point Value - The point value of the correct answer(s) can be set by entering a value in the box provided.
- Incorrect Point Value - The point value of the incorrect answer(s) can be set by entering a value in the box provided.
- Speed Scoring - When checked, point values will decrease relative to the time polling is kept open.
- Answer Value - The answer value can be set by selecting “Correct” or “No Value” from the drop-down box.
- Correct Keyword(s) - Enter keyword(s) in the box provided. Multiple keywords should be separated with a semicolon.
Numeric Response
A numeric response slide contains a question text box, a chart, and a list of all the responses. Numeric Response questions can only be responded to with ResponseCard NXTs, QT Devices, or the PointSolutions app.
Numeric Response Slide Preferences
Question Options
- Anonymous - A question marked anonymous does not track participant list information when polling.
Polling Options
- Automatically Open Polling - When checked, polling automatically opens when the slide is shown. When unchecked, the slide needs to be advanced to open polling.
- Show Results - When checked, the chart is displayed after polling is closed. Showing Results during polling is not available in Office 2007.
- First Response Only - When checked, PointSolutions only accepts the first response sent by each participant.
- Show Correct Answer - After polling closes, the correct answer is displayed on the slide.
- Response Grid - When checked, a response grid that displays which participants have or have not responded to the question is automatically inserted onto each new polling slide.
Scoring Options
- Correct Point Value - The point value of the correct answer(s) can be set by entering a value in the box provided.
- Incorrect Point Value - The point value of the incorrect answer(s) can be set by entering a value in the box provided.
- Speed Scoring - When checked, point values will decrease relative to the time polling is kept open.
- Answer Value - The answer value can be set by selecting “Correct” or “No Value” from the drop-down box.
- Acceptable Value - Enter a specific value in the box provided.
- Acceptable Range - If a specific value is not required for a correct answer, a range can be set. Enter a minimum value and a maximum value in the boxes provided.
A hotspot slide contains a question text box and an image. Hotspot questions can only be responded to with ResponseCard NXTs, QT Devices, or the PointSolutions app.
Hotspot Slide Preferences
Question Options
- Anonymous - A question marked anonymous does not track participant list information when polling.
Polling Options
- Automatically Open Polling - When checked, polling automatically opens when the slide is shown. When unchecked, the slide needs to be advanced to open polling.
- Show Results - When checked, the chart is displayed after polling is closed. Showing Results during polling is not available in Office 2007.
- Response Grid - When checked, a response grid that displays which participants have or have not responded to the question is automatically inserted onto each new polling slide.
Scoring Options
- Correct Point Value - The point value of the correct answer(s) can be set by entering a value in the box provided.
- Incorrect Point Value - The point value of the incorrect answer(s) can be set by entering a value in the box provided.
- Add Hotspot - Adds a hotspot area to the selected image on the slide. The area is adjustable.
- Delete Hotspots - Deletes all hotspots selected on the image on the slide.
True / False
A true / false slide is used for a question with a true or false response. The slide includes generically worded questions and answers.
True / False Slide Preferences
Question Options
- Anonymous - A question marked anonymous does not track participant list information when polling.
- Bullet Format - The bullet format for the answer choices can be changed from the drop-down menu.
Polling Options
- Automatically Open Polling - When checked, polling automatically opens when the slide is shown. When unchecked, the slide needs to be advanced to open polling.
- Show Results - When checked, the chart is displayed after polling is closed. Showing Results during polling is not available in Office 2007.
- First Response Only - When checked, PointSolutions only accepts the first response sent by each participant.
- Response Grid - When checked, a response grid that displays which participants have or have not responded to the question is automatically inserted onto each new polling slide.
Scoring Options
- Correct Point Value - The point value of the correct answer(s) can be set by entering a value in the box provided.
- Incorrect Point Value - The point value of the incorrect answer(s) can be set by entering a value in the box provided.
- Speed Scoring - When checked, point values will decrease relative to the time polling is kept open.
- Correct Answer - Select True or False as the correct answer. A value of No Correct can also be selected if there is no correct answer.
The essay slide contains a question region to pose a question. Essay questions can only be responded to with ResponseCard NXTs, QT Devices, or the PointSolutions app.
Essay Slide Preferences
Question Options
Anonymous - A question marked anonymous does not track participant list information when polling.
Essay questions set as anonymous will not be viewable in PointSolutions reports.
Polling Options
- Automatically Open Polling - When checked, polling automatically opens when the slide is shown. When unchecked, the slide needs to be advanced to open polling.
- First Response Only - When checked, PointSolutions only accepts the first response sent by each participant.
- Response Grid - When checked, a response grid that displays which participants have or have not responded to the question is automatically inserted onto each new polling slide.
Scoring Options
PointSolutions does not score essay slides. Manual score adjustments can be made in Results Manager.
Demographic Assignment
A demographic assignment slide contains a question text box, an answer text box that allows up to 10 answer choices, and a chart. The demographic assignment slide assigns participants to demographic groups.
Demographic Assignment Slide Preferences
Demographic Options
- Demographic Grouping - Categorize the demographic options for easier reporting.
- Use in Competition - The answer options become teams and can be used in team competitions. When unchecked, the slide is no longer considered a Team Assignment slide.
- Save to Course - The competition and / or demographic information is saved to the current course.
Question Options
- Bullet Format - The bullet format for the answer choices can be changed from the drop-down menu.
Polling Options
- Automatically Open Polling - When checked, polling automatically opens when the slide is shown. When unchecked, the slide needs to be advanced to open polling.
- Show Results - When checked, the chart is displayed after polling is closed. Showing Results during polling is not available in Office 2007.
- First Response Only - When checked, PointSolutions only accepts the first response sent by each participant.
- Response Grid - When checked, a response grid that displays which participants have or have not responded to the question is automatically inserted onto each new polling slide.
Priority Ranking
The priority ranking slide contains a question text box, an answer text box that allows up to 10 answer choices, and a chart. The participants’ responses are weighed and then ranked accordingly.
Priority Ranking Slide Preferences
Question Options
- Anonymous - A question marked anonymous does not track participant list information when polling.
- Bullet Format - The bullet format for the answer choices can be changed from the drop-down menu.
- Response Limit - The Response Limit dictates the number of answer choices a participant can select for a specific question.
- Allow Duplicates - When checked, participants are permitted to select the same answer choice more than once.
- Response Weights - Set the value for each response by selecting a value from the drop-down menu or enter a value from 0 to 99999. Repeat for the remaining answers. Items are ranked by the participants and then scored based on response weights. The response weight designates the number of votes each participant’s first, second, third, etc. responses may receive.
Polling Options
- Automatically Open Polling - When checked, polling automatically opens when the slide is shown. When unchecked, the slide needs to be advanced to open polling.
- Show Results - When checked, the chart is displayed after polling is closed.
- Response Grid - When checked, a response grid that displays which participants have or have not responded to the question is automatically inserted onto each new polling slide.
A likert slide is used to determine varying levels of agreement or disagreement. The slide includes a generically worded question and answers.
Likert Slide Preferences
Question Options
- Anonymous - A question marked anonymous does not track participant list information when polling.
- Bullet Format - The bullet format for the answer choices can be changed from the drop-down menu.
- Multiple Responses - Multiple responses allow participants to send more than one response to a question. When this box is checked the following options may be set: Response Limit, Allow Duplicates, and All or Nothing Scoring.
Polling Options
- Automatically Open Polling - When checked, polling automatically opens when the slide is shown. When unchecked, the slide needs to be advanced to open polling.
- Show Results - When checked, the chart is displayed after polling is closed.
- First Response Only - When checked, PointSolutions only accepts the first response sent by each participant.
- Response Grid - When checked, a response grid that displays which participants have or have not responded to the question is automatically inserted onto each new polling slide.
Scoring Options
- Correct Point Value - The point value of the correct answer(s) can be set by entering a value in the box provided.
- Incorrect Point Value - The point value of the incorrect answer(s) can be set by entering a value in the box provided.
- Speed Scoring - When checked, point values will decrease relative to the time polling is kept open.
- Show Advanced Scoring - When checked, the answer value and the point value are both displayed. The point value can be changed by entering a new value in the box provided.
- Correct Answer Indicator - A correct answer indicator allows participants to view the correct answer(s) after polling has been closed.
Ice Breaker
An ice breaker slide is a slide with an analogy or word scramble question to get the participants involved in the polling presentation. Analogies are automatically generated, but a word must be provided for the word scramble.
Ice Breaker Slide Preferences
Question Options
- Anonymous - A question marked anonymous does not track participant list information when polling.
- Bullet Format - The bullet format for the answer choices can be changed from the drop-down menu.
- Multiple Responses - Multiple responses allow participants to send more than one response to a question. When this box is checked the following options may be set: Response Limit, Allow Duplicates, and All or Nothing Scoring.
Polling Options
- Automatically Open Polling - When checked, polling automatically opens when the slide is shown. When unchecked, the slide needs to be advanced to open polling.
- Show Results - When checked, the chart is displayed after polling is closed.
- First Response Only - When checked, PointSolutions only accepts the first response sent by each participant.
- Response Grid - When checked, a response grid that displays which participants have or have not responded to the question is automatically inserted onto each new polling slide.
Scoring Options
- Correct Point Value - The point value of the correct answer(s) can be set by entering a value in the box provided.
- Incorrect Point Value - The point value of the incorrect answer(s) can be set by entering a value in the box provided.
- Speed Scoring - When checked, point values will decrease relative to the time polling is kept open.
- Show Advanced Scoring - When checked, the answer value and the point value are both displayed. The point value can be changed by entering a new value in the box provided.
- Correct Answer Indicator - A correct answer indicator allows participants to view the correct answer(s) after polling has been closed.