Using Canvas
You can upload knowbly™ content to Canvas using several methods.
- Embed widget
- Link to widget
- Upload SCORM widget
- Upload full SCORM course
- Canvas general notes
Embed Widget
You can embed a knowbly™ widget directly onto a Canvas page.
- In Knowbly™, choose a widget you’d like to publish from the Content Manager. Hit the 3 dot option menu in the upper right of the widget tile, and choose the publish arrow.
- The publishing window will open. Select the Embed tab at the top. Then hit the Copy button to copy the embed code.
- In Canvas, create a new page for your course. Go to the page editor, and select HTML Editor button to switch to HTML mode.
- In the HTML editor, paste the embed code you copied from knowbly™ into the desired location on the page.
- Your widget will now appear on the page when viewed as a student.
Link Widget
You can link a knowbly™ widget via the embed URL.
- In knowbly™, choose a widget you’d like to publish from the Content Manager. Hit the 3 dot option menu in the upper right of the widget tile, and choose the publish arrow.
- The publishing window will open. Select the Embed tab at the top. Instead of hitting the Copy button, in this case you need to copy the URL for the widget, which is inside of double quotes after “src=” starting with https://. See screenshot below. Use your keyboard to copy this URL (not the Copy button as that will copy the entire iframe).
- In Canvas, there are two ways to use the link. On any page, you can just add the widget link directly. This will open to a new tab when the student clicks on the link.
- You can also add a link as a stand alone item in a Canvas module. This will open inside the same Canvas window when the student navigates to this item. When adding an additional item, choose External URL and copy in the link to the widget.
Import SCORM
You can import a widget or a full course into your Canvas course. To do this, you must have SCORM import enabled for your Canvas account. To see if this is enabled, create a new course and navigate to Settings. Hit the Navigation tab. You should see “SCORM” either in the Course Navigation or at the very bottom. If you do NOT see SCORM anywhere, please reach out to your Canvas contact to enable this feature in your Canvas account.
- If SCORM is at the very bottom, drag it up so it will appear in your course navigation. Hit Save.
- In knowbly™, publish the widget or course as SCORM. Hit the 3 dot option menu in the upper right of the widget tile, and choose the publish arrow.
- On the publish window, stay in the Download tab and choose SCORM as the publishing format. Canvas should support either the 1.2 or the 2004 version of SCORM.
- In Canvas, open your course and select SCORM. Hit the Upload button to upload your course or widget file. Once the file finishes uploading, you can choose to import as a graded or ungraded assignment.
- The SCORM package will now be available as an assignment. You can also add it to a course module by adding an item and select Assignment. Choose your uploaded SCORM file to place it.
Canvas General Notes
When importing SCORM into Canvas, neither the Course Description data nor the Cover Image applied in Knowbly is displayed.