Applying a Theme
Once you have created and modified a theme, it is time to apply the theme to courses and widgets. This article also covers how to revert to a previous theme and how create multiple versions of a course or widget with different themes applied.
Note: Applying a theme to a course will also be apply the theme to any widgets in that course. Other widgets outside of the course will not be affected.
1. Open a course.
2. Click the Themes icon.
The Themes panel opens on the left and displays the current theme colors, font, sample button, and theme name.
3. To apply a different theme, click the Browse button.
4. Scroll down to find the desired theme, or type the theme name in the search field at the top of the panel. To select the theme, click on the radio button in the top-left corner of the theme tile, then click on the Apply button at the bottom of the panel.
5. Once you have chosen a theme, click the Preview button.
Note: Click the Full screen icon to see the preview in a full screen mode (without the composer menus).
Hover over the top of the screen and click the Exit full screen icon to return to Edit mode.
Reverting to a Previous Theme
You can always revert by selecting the previous theme or choose another.
Create a Course or Widget with Multiple Themes
If you want to support the same course or widget in two different themes, create a copy of the course or widget to save two versions and then apply a different theme to each.