As of June 30, 2024, ExamView will officially reach its end of life.
Please be advised that after ExamView’s end-of-life date of June 30th, 2024, we will no longer be providing updates, security patches, or technical support for any version of ExamView. Our obligations to maintain or support ExamView will cease as of this date. Continued use of ExamView post end-of-life may expose you to increased security vulnerabilities, compatibility issues, and potentially reduced functionality. To avoid these risks and ensure uninterrupted service, we encourage migrating to EchoExam, which is designed to offer superior security, compatibility, and a range of advanced features that align with current technological standards. For questions click here.
ExamView Test Generator allows you to easily create paper, LAN-based tests, and online tests with ExamView Premium. You can enter your own questions and customize the appearance of tests. With its many unique features, such as the QuickTest Wizard, you can create and format a test in minutes.
The following features are available in ExamView Test Generator:
- "Interview" mode or a "wizard" to guide you through the steps to create a test in less than five minutes
- Six methods to select test questions:
- from a list
- random selection
- by criteria (difficulty code, objective, etc.—if available)
- while viewing questions
- by standard (learning objective, national, state, and local—if available)
- all questions
- Capability to edit questions or to add an unlimited number of questions
- LAN-based testing
- Online testing to ExamView Online Testing Service
- Sophisticated word processor
- Numerous test layout and printing options
- Dynamic questions (algorithms)
- Ability to link groups of questions to common narratives
- Password protection
- Spell checker with built-in dictionaries and custom dictionary