As of June 30, 2024, ExamView will officially reach its end of life.
Please be advised that after ExamView’s end-of-life date of June 30th, 2024, we will no longer be providing updates, security patches, or technical support for any version of ExamView. Our obligations to maintain or support ExamView will cease as of this date. Continued use of ExamView post end-of-life may expose you to increased security vulnerabilities, compatibility issues, and potentially reduced functionality. To avoid these risks and ensure uninterrupted service, we encourage migrating to EchoExam, which is designed to offer superior security, compatibility, and a range of advanced features that align with current technological standards. For questions click here.
Personal Information
The information shown here reflects what you entered when you first installed the program. You can change any of the information if it is not correct. Changes to the State / Region field may affect the state standards that appear when you open a question bank.
Change this preference setting to control the startup options. You can, for example, choose to automatically go to the QuickTest Wizard every time you start the program.
Enter a password in the password field if you want to prevent unauthorized access to the program.
Highlight Color
Click here to change the color used for highlighting questions and text.
Tab Key Setting
Enable this option if you want the Tab key to move between the question stem and the answer choices. When this option is on, you must press Ctrl+Tab to insert a tab character in the question.
Auto Format
When this option is enabled, the program automatically uses smart quotes as you enter / edit a question.
Default File Locations
Question Banks - The location where the program initially looks when you open or save a question bank file.
Tests - The location where the program initially looks when you open or save a test file.
Online (LAN) Tests - The location when you choose to save a test for use with the ExamView Test Player software on your local area network.