As of June 30, 2024, ExamView will officially reach its end of life.
Please be advised that after ExamView’s end-of-life date of June 30th, 2024, we will no longer be providing updates, security patches, or technical support for any version of ExamView. Our obligations to maintain or support ExamView will cease as of this date. Continued use of ExamView post end-of-life may expose you to increased security vulnerabilities, compatibility issues, and potentially reduced functionality. To avoid these risks and ensure uninterrupted service, we encourage migrating to EchoExam, which is designed to offer superior security, compatibility, and a range of advanced features that align with current technological standards. For questions click here.
Inserting Templates Into an Equation
The following templates are available in ExamView:
- Subscript and superscript templates.
- Delimiter templates - Delimiter templates include all of the templates dealing with parentheses, arcs, brackets, braces, and other types of fencing characters. All of the templates in this group behave in the same way. The delimiter characters will extend to overhang the contents of the template
- Fractions and Radical Templates - For fractions, the fraction line will extend to enclose both the numerator and denominator. For radicals (square root or Nth root), the radical sign will grow vertically to enclose the contents.
- Integral Templates - Integral templates are provided for definite integrals (integrals with limits); indefinite integrals (no limits); single, double, and triple integrals; and contour, area, and volume integrals.
- Summation Templates - Summation templates are provided which have no limits, underscript limit only, underscript and overscript limits, subscript limit only, and subscript and superscript limits.
- Product and Set Theory Templates- Product and Set Theory templates include templates for product, coproduct, intersection, and union. Templates are provided which have no limits, underscript limit only, underscript and overscript limits, subscript limit only, and subscript and superscript limits.
- Matrix Templates - Matrix templates are used to create matrices of varying sizes, up to 12x12 matrices. They can also be used to group sections of your equation into a table.
- Underbar and Overbar Templates - Underbar templates and overbar templates are used to produce equations with single or double lines above or below a section of text.
- Arrow Templates - Arrow templates are used to produce labeled arrows for your equations. They also provide a simple method to add an arrow accent to multiple characters.
- Geometric Shape Templates - Geometric shapes include triangles, parallelograms, squares and circles (with or without a center dot).
- Position the cursor at the location in the equation where you want the template to appear.
- Click the desired template on the template toolbar.
- Select the appropriate template from the menu.
One or more additional slots will appear in the equation. The cursor will be placed in the primary template slot. If part of the equation was highlighted, the highlighted text, symbols, and templates will be moved inside the newly created delimiter template.
- Enter the appropriate contents for each slot.
- Press the Tab key, use the arrow keys, or click the mouse button outside of the template to continue entering the equation.