As of June 30, 2024, ExamView will officially reach its end of life.
Please be advised that after ExamView’s end-of-life date of June 30th, 2024, we will no longer be providing updates, security patches, or technical support for any version of ExamView. Our obligations to maintain or support ExamView will cease as of this date. Continued use of ExamView post end-of-life may expose you to increased security vulnerabilities, compatibility issues, and potentially reduced functionality. To avoid these risks and ensure uninterrupted service, we encourage migrating to EchoExam, which is designed to offer superior security, compatibility, and a range of advanced features that align with current technological standards. For questions click here.
ExamView Import Format
Below is a basic example that shows how questions must be formatted so that they can be imported into ExamView using the import utility. For a more detailed example, you can view the Sample Bank.pdf file located in the ExamView folder and/or refer to the formatting rules and tips.
Chapter 2 -- Using Online Testing You must include a bank title.
True/False A question type label is required exactly as shown.
1. ExamView is the most powerful and yet easiest-to-use test generator available today.
ANS: T The answer label ANS: must appear for each question. Be sure to include colon ( : ).
2. Using ExamView you can create up to 25 different versions of the same test; and you can automatically scramble the questions and the multiple choice options.
Multiple Choice This label marks the beginning of the next section.
4. With the ExamView QuickTest Wizard you can create a test in
a. 5 hours
b. 3 minutes
c. 2 seconds
d. 4 days
5. ExamView lets you create paper tests, computerized (LAN-based) test, and ___.
a. Internet tests
b. driving tests
c. eye tests
d. none of these
6. In addition to the QuickTest Wizard, you can select questions for a test using which of following five selection methods?
a. randomly
b. from a list
c. while viewing
d. by criteria
e! all of these options Use the exclamation mark instead of a period to lock an option so it doesn't scramble.
7. Can you export a test to another application? Explain.
ExamView supports the industry-standard rich text format (RTF) specification. You can export an entire test including fonts, styles, formatting, and pictures to an RTF document file. Then, you can import that file into any application that supports RTF. Or, with a test on the screen you can choose the Copy Entire Test command, switch to Microsoft Word, for example, and then paste the test into your word processor.
You can import the following question types. You must identify each question type using the corresponding label exactly as shown below. Also, questions types must be grouped together.
If you have multiple choice questions that you would like to import as bimodal, they must be in a separate section labeled Bimodal.
Question Type Labels
- True/False
- Modified True/False
- Multiple Choice
- Multiple Response
- Bimodal
- Yes/No
- Completion
- Matching
- Numeric Response
- Short Answer
- Problem
- Essay
- Case
- Other