By default, all video media is made available either when it is published to a class or on an availability schedule set by the person who published the item. Some institutions, however, require that video media be closed captioned before it is made available for students. In some cases, the institution, or organization, or department sets the video availability feature. In some cases, this is set on a section-by-section basis by the instructor.
If this option is dimmed and you cannot change it, it means your administrator has it set at a higher level (organization, department, or institution) and with overrides disallowed for any lower levels. If you think you should be able to change the setting for your section, contact your administrator.
If Delayed video availability is enabled at the section level, all captures and videos (including instructor-uploaded video or audio files) published to the section MUST have closed captions applied before they are available for students to view. BE CERTAIN that your Institution has configured closed captioning through a provider OR a process for manually applying captions to video media. If you toggle this option on and automated captioning is not configured, your captures will never be available for students because they will never be captioned.
If you want to delay or expire availability of content NOT based on the application of closed captioning, see Making Content Available to Students and Editing Availability Settings for instructions.
Only Captures are automatically captioned; uploaded videos must be sent for captioning before they will be available. If you upload and publish a video but this toggle is turned on, you MUST inform your administrator and request that the uploaded video be sent for captioning. Alternately, you can manually add captions to the video by uploading a caption file (.vtt or .srt).
To enable delayed video availability
- Log in as an instructor.
- Navigate to the SETTINGS tab for the course.
- Select Features from the left side of the tab, identified in the above figure.
- Toggle the Delayed video availability switch on.
- Click OK on the confirmation message that appears.
All video media published to this section MUST now have closed captioning before it can be viewed by students.
NOTE that the instructor view will show the video as unavailable (icon is gray); hover over the icon to see a tooltip that states the video is waiting for captions. If there is not a presentation also published to the class, students will see a message in the classroom indicating that the captioned video is not yet available. However if there is a presentation published to the class, Students will not know there is a video to view until it is captioned (they see no video icon if a video is unavailable for any reason).