You own any media in the Library with your name on it. You can delete this media if it is no longer needed (except device-generated content if the Institution toggle is off for Instructors). You can also remove content that has been shared with you, but this removes it from your Library without deleting it for the owner.
Deleting media removes it from any classes, collections, other user's libraries, and any other linked or embedded locations and moves it to your Recycle Bin. This can only be done by the owner of the media (or an administrator). Soft deleted content can be restored exactly as it was, including links, embeds, class / lesson associations, analytics, etc. Content can be restored from the Recycle Bin for the time defined by your Institution's Deletion Policy. Restoration time will depend on the number of files and their sizes.
Currently, only playable media can be archived and soft deleted. This includes:
- Audio
- Video
- Interactive Media
- Spherical (360˚) Video
Presentations and Polls cannot be soft-deleted. If one is accidentally deleted, it will not appear or be recoverable from the Recycle Bin.
If you do not see the Delete option for an item on your Library page, check where it may be published and remove it from the class(es) if needed. If that does not provide a delete option, contact your Administrator to have these deleted.
Instructors must check publishing locations first!
Before deleting media, click the tile and check the publishing information on the Media Details page first. (This does not apply if you are removing media that has been shared with you.)
If the content is published to a class, deleting it removes it from the class and all student analytics associated with it.
If you have shared the content with other users, deleting it also removes their access to it; it is removed from their libraries.
Consider removing the content from a class or making the content unavailable if either of those options is more appropriate than deleting.
To delete your media
- Click on the tile to open the Media Details page.
Check the publishing information. If the item is published to one or more classes / sections, you may want to un-publish it first. As emphasized above, deleting an item deletes all analytic data associated with the content. Deleting is permanent and cannot be undone by anyone.
- Click the vertical action menu, as identified in the figure below.
- Click Trash.
A warning message indicates that all data associated with the content, including student notes and analytics, will also be deleted.
- Click OK to delete the content.
If the content has been published, it is removed from those classes. If the content had been shared with others, it is removed from their Library or Collection(s). If you remove Shared media, you can no longer access the item.
Alternatively, you can delete media directly from the tile in the Library.
- Click the menu button on the media tile, choose More Actions, and then select Delete (if it is available) or Remove (if it is shared media).