The look and feel of the Player is changing! Upcoming changes are identified in this article by providing screenshots labeled "Old UI" and "New UI".
Who can do this?
Administrators can see all polling response data for all interactive media they have access to.
Response to LMS / VLE-embedded media can only be seen by the instructor who embedded it.
Responses to EchoVideo-course-published interactive media can be seen by any instructor in the course.
There are two ways to view student responses to interactive media polls: through the Polling tab in the EchoVideo course where the media is published, or through the Polling tab of the media details page.
The polling tab in the media details page, described in this article, is the ONLY way to view student responses that come through LMS / VLE embedded media.
To open the media details page
- From your EchoVideo Library, click ON the media
OR - From the EchoVideo course class list, click the media icon and select Details from the menu
OR - From the embed window in the LMS / VLE click the Analytics button located below the playback panel. This opens the media details page to the Analytics tab.
On the media details page, click the Polling tab from below the playback panel, identified in the following figure.
The top section of the Polling Tab includes an Overview ribbon, which provides at-a-glance performance data for ALL polling questions in this media, across ALL courses where it may be posted for students (that you have access to view).
The Number of Courses shown is the number of EchoVideo and / or LMS / VLE courses where the media has been placed for students to view and respond to. For Instructors, this is a count of the courses so you can view the polling response information. See the Note later on this page.
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Total Response Rate is a percentage of POSSIBLE responses given to polls across all courses. This is a calculation of the number of total possible student respondents, times the number of polls in the media, divided by the actual number of responses.
"Total possible student respondents" can be the number of LMS / VLE students who have viewed any part of the embedded media OR the number of students enrolled in the EchoVideo section where the media is published, or BOTH if this media resides in both types of places.
Total Correct is the total number of correct vs incorrect responses given to polls in this media. The calculation ONLY takes into account polls that can and do have a correct response identified, and only responses actually given (ignoring unseen, or seen but not responded to).
Hover your mouse over any portion of the circular graph to get the counts used to determine the percentages shown. The below figure shows the "Incorrect" count in the popup on hover.
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Below the Overview, you will find two drop-down lists.
Click the Course drop-down list to select the course where the media resides and from where Students would have responded. You may have one or multiple selection options depending on where you have published or embedded your media. See also the Note later on this page.
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The naming convention is different for each "type" of course, to avoid any confusion in the event the same media is published to multiple locations.
EchoVideo courses are shown as:
Course Name | Section Name | Class Date
In the above figure, this is the Course choice, with the media residing in the April 27 class.
LMS courses are shown as:
LMS Course Name | LMS Course ID
Course Count and Drop-Down List: You will ONLY see EchoVideo courses if you are an instructor in the course; you will ONLY see LMS / VLE courses where YOU have embedded the media. ONLY ADMINISTRATORS can see ALL polling data for interactive media from all locations.
IN ADDITION: if media is embedded into an LMS / VLE but is later removed, that course remains listed in the Courses drop-down and the student response data persists; EchoVideo does not get a notification from the LMS that the media no longer resides there.
The tab also contains a Download Data button that allows you to download a CSV file containing all student responses for this media. Keep in mind that the Download will contain information about all responses from all courses where this media exists AND that you have access to view in the tab. The course naming convention (described above) is persisted into the download to help delineate between course types and locations where this media may reside.
Summary Polling Response Data
Once you select a Course, the Poll Question drop-down automatically selects "All". The page changes to provide summary information for all polls in the media, as well as student summary data about their responses to all of the polls in the media.
Both the Polls and Student summary sections are shown in the below figure.
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New UI |
Polls Summary
The Polls Summary table appears if the Poll Question selection is All. It includes the following information:
- Poll number and type - The polls are listed in the order in which they appear in the media, along with the type of poll it is. Each is also an active link that provides more detail as described below.
- Correct Response - This is the percentage (and count) of respondents that answered the question correctly. It is NOT a percentage of course enrollees who responded correctly. The percentage only applies to those users who have actually responded. If there is NO correct answer (either marked or possible) this field is blank.
- Incorrect Response - This is the percentage (and count) of respondents who answered the question incorrectly. It is NOT a percentage of course enrollees who responded incorrectly. The percentage only applies to those users who have actually responded. if there is NO correct answer possible, this field is blank.
- No Response - This is the percentage (and count) of students who have not responded to each poll. Unlike the Correct / Incorrect response data, this percentage and count are of the total number of students who are enrolled in the selected EchoVideo course OR the number of LMS / VLE students who have viewed at least some portion of the embedded media in the LMS.
- Seen and Unseen - This is the percentage (and count) of students who have either seen or not seen each poll. Like the No Response numbers, these are a percentage of the total number of students enrolled in the selected EchoVideo course OR LMS / VLE the number of LMS / VLE students who have viewed at least some portion of the embedded media.
Click on the Poll Number - Poll Type link to open a Poll Performance popup modal, containing more detailed information about the responses given to the selected poll. This is the SAME information you would see if you select a specific polling question from the Polling Question drop-down list.
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New UI |
Student Responses Summary
The Student Responses Summary provides student response information for all polls in the media, and includes the following data for each student:
- User Name - The name of the student. This is an active link that provides detailed information about this student's responses, as described below.
- User Email - The email address of the student.
- Correct Response - The percentage and count of the number of POSSIBLE correct answers submitted by the student does NOT include any polls that do not or cannot have correct answers identified.
- Total Response Rate - The percentage and count of the number of responses given by this student against the total number of polls in this media.
Click on a User Name link to open a popup modal showing this student's responses to each poll in the media. This is the SAME information you would see for this student in the Student Responses table if you select a specific polling question from the Polling Question drop-down list.
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New UI |
Detailed Polling Response Data
If you select BOTH a Course and a Polling Question from the drop-down lists, the area below changes to show detailed information about the selected poll, including the question itself and both the provided response options (if any) and given responses.
If there is an image with the poll, the image is shown (applies to multiple choice with embedded media or image quiz poll). If there is a correct answer identified, this is also indicated. Examples are shown in more detail in the poll-type-specific sections later on this page.
Below the summary of the poll itself, the individual student responses are listed as described here.
Student Response Details
Below the poll question area is the list of students and their responses or response status for the selected poll.
If the Course you are viewing is an LMS / VLE course, the list of students includes anyone who has viewed at least some part of the media. If the selected course is an EchoVideo course, the student list includes all students enrolled in that course.
Each student entry occupies their own row containing the student name, their response (if any) to the poll, and the date / time of their response. If there is no response, the response area shows "Seen" or "Unseen" indicating whether or not the student has viewed the poll at all.
The student list is a table that can be sorted, by clicking the headings, by Student Name, Response, or Date (date / time).
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If your course has more than 25 students enrolled, there are paging controls at the bottom, to allow you to page through the student list. In addition, the bottom of the list shows the time zone (local) being used to show the date and time of student responses.
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If there is a correct answer identified for the poll, each student response is accompanied by a green checkmark or a red X indicating whether or not the response was correct. If the poll required a Justification, the text entered by the student is also shown along with their response.
Multiple Choice Poll Responses
The below figure shows a Multiple Choice type poll. There is a correct answer identified, indicated by highlighting and a checkmark in the table. The table also shows how many and what percentage of students responded with which selection. A multiple choice poll without a correct answer identified looks the same but without the highlighting or the checkmark.
This is the same summary information table that appears in the poll popup described earlier on this page.
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Scroll down from the question area to find the student list, shown below. Each column can be clicked on to sort the table, and a summary of responses appears at the top of the student list, as described earlier on this page.
If the student did not respond, the entry shows either Seen or Unseen, depending on whether they viewed the poll or not.
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Use the checkboxes next to each multiple choice response option to filter the student list, showing only those students who gave the selected response(s). This is shown in the below figure.
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New UI |
If the poll required a justification, the student entry is shown along with their response. The ordered list section below shows a student list with responses and justifications for their responses.
Short Answer Poll Responses
Since a "correct" answer cannot be identified, the Short Answer poll simply provides the question text followed by the list of students and each student's response.
Like other poll types, the Response area of the student list includes Seen if the student viewed the poll but did not respond, and Unseen if the student has not viewed the poll at all.
Ordered List Poll Responses
The Ordered List poll, like the multiple choice poll, shows the question and the possible responses in the top section of the page. If there is NO correct answer identified, the response options are listed in the same order they appear in the poll.
If there is a correct order identified, the options are listed in the CORRECT order as identified for the poll. This is the case in the following figure. Note that the letter given for each option corresponds with the letter / order that option was given in the polling question when presented to students.
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Each option row indicates how many (and what percentage of) users put that selection into the noted position (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.). If there is a correct order identified, the "correct" location for each option is identified, as is shown in the above figure.
Scroll down to the student list, and each student who responded is shown with the letter order of their response. The student rows may also contain a green checkmark or a red X indicating whether or not their response was correct, but only if a correct order was identified.
The below figure shows student responses to an ordered list with a correct order identified.
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New UI |
Numeric Poll Responses
The Numeric poll provides the question and the correct answer (or range) in the top section of the page, then a list of students and their responses below. Each response is shown with a green checkmark or a red X to indicate whether or not it qualifies as a correct response.
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New UI |
Image Quiz Poll Responses
For image quiz polls, the top section of the Polling tab shows the question text along with the image used for the poll. The image also shows the "correct answer" area, if one is identified, and square dots showing all of the student responses given.
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Since Image quiz polling questions do not have "listable" responses, identifying which response was given by which student is a little different. You must select each student row to see their response. The dot for that student's answer turns blue. The student rows do, however, indicate if the student's selection was "correct" or not.
To view image quiz polling responses
- Open the Polling page and use the Lesson drop-down list to select a class.
- Use the Polling Question drop-down list to select an image quiz poll.
The image and the question, along with all user responses appear as shown and described above. - Scroll down to the student list to see who responded and whether their response was correct (if a correct area was identified). Note that if you have more than 25 students in the course, you may need to use the paging controls to see more of the student list.
Click on a student row.
Notice that one of the square dots now shows blue (or darker than the others). This is the selected student's response to the poll and is shown in the below figure.Old UI
New UI
- Select another student to view their response placement.
Remember that you can sort the student table by name, their response, or date of response. And that there are paging controls at the bottom of the student table if there are more than 25 students in the course.