Being in the classroom means viewing the content or media and interacting with the media in some way. You can watch the class as it was recorded and view any other presentation materials that may have been shared in the classroom.
The In-Classroom Tools let you take Notes (if you are a student), post and respond to Questions, Bookmark video or slide locations, and mark video scenes or slides as Confusing if necessary. Notes and Q&A can be viewed outside the classroom in the course's Study Guide or Q&A tabs.
The toolset and functionality are slightly different if viewing a live-streamed class (real-time broadcasting rather than a recording). See Viewing Live Classes for details.
To view content in the classroom
- Click on the class row from the Course list as shown below.
The classroom opens, as shown in the figure below.
- Control the video or navigate through presentation pages using the playback bar at the bottom of the classroom viewer.
The figure below shows a classroom capture with double videos in the capture and a separate presentation loaded to the class.
- Click one of the media panels to maximize that media in the window and swap with the currently displayed item.
- Click the Layout icon (located on the bottom right end of the playback bar) to change the layout of the visual items in the classroom. Rotate through all of your options to see which works best for you. See Using Classroom Tools for details on the classroom controls and functionality.
- Click Settings to turn on Lock Overlays. The player bar will remain visible when turned on, providing constant access to playback controls, volume settings, and other essential features. EchoVideo remembers your choice for all classroom player content.
- Post or respond to questions in the Discussions Panel on the right side of the classroom. This panel has any questions or comments posted for this class, along with their responses.
- Click Add Post to post a new question or comment in the Discussion Panel.
- Students can click the Flag icon to mark a scene or slide as confusing. Instructors will see a notification dot with the number of students who flagged that particular slide or scene. Instructors can also use the Analytics tab to see what portion of the content the student was viewing when they clicked the flag.
- After viewing this class, click Back at the top to return to the Class List page.