The look and feel of the Player is changing! Upcoming changes are identified in this article by providing screenshots labeled "Old UI" and "New UI".
Collections are designed to be collaborative spaces where specific people (members) are brought together to view, post, or otherwise work with the media in their collections.
The Collections page provides a consolidated view of all collections in which you are a member. If you are a collection manager, you can manage collection membership and permissions.
To see your Collections page, click Collections from the main menu bar.
You can also see and access a subset of your collections on your Library page; the collection tiles and their features are identical in both places.
Just like entering a course in EchoVideo, clicking on a Collection tile opens the collection so you can view the media in the collection, or see who else might also be a member of the collection with you.
When you enter a collection, the Media tab is active by default, as shown in the below figure. All the media appears in the same kind of tile view as the media in your library.
Click on a media tile to open that media in the Collection media details page, shown below. The media details page provides viewing and playback of the media, along with available media commands. Which commands you can use depends on your permissions in the collection. See Collections - Overview for more information and further links if necessary.
To EXIT the media details page, use your browser's BACK button, or you can click any of the options from the main menu to navigate to those pages (e.g., Collections, Courses, Library).
Old UI |
New UI |
If there is no media in the collection, you will see a message on the screen stating as much.
If you have media permissions, you may be able to add media or remove media from the collection as well as view it or enact other actions on the media.