Instructors can embed polling questions into video or audio media, creating interactive media. Then, they can post that media into a course or folder or embed it into an LMS / VLE course page (such as Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle, Brightspace, or Sakai).
The playback for interactive media looks like the figure shown below. It plays like a normal video but has polling questions that prohibit viewing sections of the video until you have responded to them. In the figure below, the pins on the timeline indicate the locations of those polling questions.
Click Play on the video.
When your playback reaches a polling question, the video pauses and the polling question appears in the viewer. Depending on the length of the question, the type of poll, and the number of response options, you may need to use the scrollbar to see all of the poll options.
How you respond to the polling question depends on the type of activity or question it is. You may need to select from a list of options as the polling question in the figure above indicates, reorder a list, or enter a response into a text box. See Responding to Polling Questions if you need specific instructions for responding to each type of activity.
After you enter your response, click Submit.
Your response, along with the Correct response, appears. In addition, if the instructor has provided feedback for the polling question, you may see that below the response area.
The Submit button turns into a Continue button, allowing you to continue viewing the video until the next polling question. Alternatively, you can click Play on the playback bar to continue.
If there is a transcript for the media, the transcript will show, but the polling questions gate the text, just like the media playback. You cannot download the transcript until you have answered all the polling questions.
Finally, if there is a discussion post with a media (location) reference beyond an unanswered poll, you will not see that post until you have answered all polling questions before the referenced location. The Discussion panel does provide a notification to indicate when posts are currently hidden.