The procedures on this page must be performed by a user who is an Administrator in both Moodle AND Echo360.
Providing a direct link to users' Echo360 media library involves creating an External Tool link for the library. This makes the tool available to be added to each course as needed. The procedures on this page are for creating the external tool. They are nearly identical to the procedures for adding the original Echo360 course-linking tool.
The procedures below are provided as guidelines to the Moodle tool configuration process. Refer to the Moodle documentation for additional details if you need further assistance.
BEST PRACTICE: Selecting and copying the values between Echo360 and the LMS can be difficult, and can be prone to selection errors. To select the full value of an LMS field, do the following:
1) Use your mouse to select a portion of the field values.
2) Press Ctrl+A / Command+A to "select all" of the field.
3) Press Ctrl+C / Command + C to copy the selected value.
4) Paste the value into the corresponding field in the LMS LTI External Tool configuration.
To create an External Tool for the Echo360 Library
- Log into Moodle as an administrator.
- From the Settings menu, select Site administration Plugins External Tool Manage tools as shown in the below figure.
- On the Manage Tools page, click Configure a tool manually, as shown below.
The External Tool configuration page appears. - Enter a Tool Name that clearly identifies this as the Echo360 Library tool you are configuring. Since you likely already have an Echo360 tool for course-linking, specifying this as the Library tool link is important.
- Copy the following fields from the Moodle LTI Profile in Echo360 into the corresponding fields on the External Tool Configuration form:
- Tool URL Host URL
- Consumer Key Consumer Key
- Shared Secret Shared Secret
- In the Tool URL field, go to the END of the URL you pasted and append it with the following: /launch/medialibrary THIS IS CASE SENSITIVE!! Be sure to enter the text in all lower case, exactly as provided here and shown in the below figure
- In the Tool configuration usage drop-down list, select Show as activity chooser and as a preconfigured tool, as is shown in the below figure.
- For Default launch container, select Embed or Embed without blocks. This opens the library inside of the Moodle window. Alternately you can select New window which then opens the library in a new browser tab.
OPTIONALLY: Click Show more... to expand this section of the page, then enter the following URL into the Icon URL field (customizing the base for your region as appropriate -,, - Expand the Privacy section of the page.
- For the Share launcher's name and Share launcher's email options, select Always as shown in the below figure. This is required so that Echo360 can identify the incoming user and place them into their Echo360 media library.
- Since there are no gradebook integrations with the Library, you can leave the Accept grades option at the default or set to Never.
- Complete any other fields in the form as appropriate for your institution.
- When finished, click Save changes.
The Echo360 Library Tool should now appear in the list of selections for adding an External Tool activity/resource to any Moodle course.